The Faith Team

The Faith Team

Our purpose is to facilitate the growth in our faith through Bible study, strengthening relationships in the faith community, and living our faith through Christ-like service to others.

The Faith Team exists to equip the saints of our congregation, preparing them to be sent out into the world.

  • Sunday School for ages 4 and up are a strong asset of Our Saviour.
  • Senior High Youth Group, Middle School Youth events, and other programs enhance and extend the Sunday morning learning.
  • Our two year Confirmation program includes retreats, service projects, and classes taught by the pastors and by volunteers.
  • Youth and adults  journey to Hurley, Virginia for our annual mission trip to help rebuild homes and lives.
  • Vacation Bible School continues to be an incredible in-reach/outreach ministry for our congregation.
  • Adult Education at Our Saviour provides for lifelong learning opportunities for our congregation.
  • Experienced Christians Helping Others (ECHO) is our senior ministry group. It provides fellowship, learning and service opportunities for our experienced members.
  • The Stewardship Committee plans for ways to help members develop their ability to share time, talents, and finances to enhance the ministries and individual spiritual lives at Our Saviour.

When Do We Meet?

Events are held at the ministry level. The Faith Team meets the 4th Tuesday of each month to assist in planning events, report on ministry activities, and review completed projects.

Faith Team meetings are led by Michael Maher and Betsy Wilco, the Faith Team leaders. Ministry leads are encouraged to attend the meeting and/or provide brief reports.

To Participate

Join one or more Faith Team ministries! If you want to start a new ministry or have ideas to enhance an existing one, see one of the Pastors or the Team Chair or come to one of our planning meetings.