Dave’s Thursday Morning Class
Join Dave Raecke and others on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am via ZOOM for a class/Bible study. You can join in and obtain the class materials by contacting Dave using the church directory or by emailing (office@oslc-warrenton.org) or calling (540-347-3224) the church office at your first opportunity.
A new class will begin on Thursday, April 15. Holy Spirit: Creative Power in Our Lives by by Lois Malcolm is an 8-week study that invites readers to experience the Spirit’s creative life and power – precisely within the complexity of our everyday lives.
If you would like to participate in this class but have not received an email from Dave regarding it, please contact him at your first opportunity so he can get you on his email list and reserve a copy of the study material for you to pick up.
To join the discussion, sit at your computer or smartphone with the microphone and camera on, and follow link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83342586849?pwd=Q2MzdktqWmZkcTd2NFc3TVFmeEQ5Zz09
If you can’t connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only). Call +1 (301) 715-8592 (USA) and enter Meeting ID: 833 4258 6849 AND Passcode: 572220.