Let THE GAME & the Games Begin!
Join us Sunday, February 13 beginning at 5pm for Super Bowl LVI and games. All are welcome.
The pre-game and Super Bowl LVI will be streamed in the Fellowship Hall while board games will be set up to play in the Youth Room. We’ll have a potluck dinner together at 5:30 pm. Chili, fixin’s and drinks will be provided by the church while sides and other foods will be potluck. Then we’ll have snacks and leftovers for the rest of the night.
So we have the right number of seats and enough food, please sign up using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4cafad2aa5f9c52-super. At the beginning of the “Available Slot” sign-up, please indicated if you will be participating in …
a.) Super Bowl and dinner,
b.) Play games and dinner,
c.) Dinner and a few games and Super Bowl.
Then, sign-up for what you will bring for the potluck and snack-sharing. Donations will be accepted as well.
Contact Tamar Yager using your church directory or by getting her information through the church office (office@oslc-warrenton.org; 540-347-3224).
We hope you join us for food, games, fellowship, and fun.