Build – Strengthen – Grow — or even Start — your relationship with other church members online. Staying connected when a lot of us are still physically apart is more important than ever. So, bring your own coffee or beverage/snack of choice and log in (or call in) at 11:00 am every Sunday. And don’t worry if you’re not able to join right at 11am — ” just get here if you can”! (lyrics from Get Here (if you can) by Oleta Adams, 1990)
Click on the Zoom button here:
… or simply call in from any phone. Call +1 301 715 8592, enter Meeting ID: 732 534 989.
Do you have little ones at home who want to share the joy? Invite them to share a picture they have drawn or come with their own question or answer for the group. Or, as we’ve seen in some previous weeks—show up in costume!!!
Looking forward to seeing and/or hearing you on Zoom this Sunday!
If you want to join in (either for worship service and/or for virtual fellowship) but have connectivity issues where you are, please come to the church parking lot and connect safely from your car through your smart devise using the church’s Internet. You can call the church office or pastors prior to coming to the church for the password.