Doubting Thomas by Giovanni Serodine
Worship Together Saturdays Online or Sundays In-person (or online)!
Hepi Ista! 
Worship for Eve of Second Sunday of Easter
5:30 pm Saturday, April 10
Facebook Premiere – ONLINE ONLY
Our Saviour is excited to join the Virginia Synod as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as a synod (and save Pastor Michael a week of editing the Saturday service!).
What we are most excited about is the chance to highlight and celebrate our companion relationship with the New Guinea Islands District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea. Pastor Kelly Bayer Derrick will preach, and you’ll see Pastor Michael in the video as well.
You may have noticed in our weekly prayers that we have a partner congregation in Papua New Guinea: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in the town of Bialla. We regularly support this congregation and their Synod, and Pastor Michael visited in 2019. We’re looking forward to sharing this worship together with others across Virginia and the globe.
To experience this service, either go to the Facebook Premiere or the YouTube Premiere on Saturday, April 10 at 5:30 pm.
For traditional worship, Our Saviour is delighted to have you join us on Sunday, April 11 at 10:00 am for worship back inside the Sanctuary, which will also be online via Facebook Livestream!
Join your prayers with the community! During the live stream of the service, you are invited to type into the Facebook chat any prayer requests for those you want included in the prayers of intercession. (As always, you may also send your prayer requests by Wednesday the week ahead to Please do this at the beginning of the service so that we can write them up and hand them to the pastors before the prayers start.
Please click the “Read More” button below to get all the details, which will help ensure all who wish to worship together in person stay as safe as possible.

Saturday 5:30 pm Contemporary Service
Download the Worship Bulletin for Saturday Service
Watch Facebook Premiere Service Here
Watch YouTube Premiere Service Here
Sunday 10:00 am Traditional Service
Download the Worship Bulletin for the Sunday Service
Readings and Psalms:
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1–2:2
John 20:19-31
Second Sunday of Easter, Year B
Nurturing Faith
Welcome to Nurturing Faith from Roots & Wings, a ministry of the Virginia Synod, ELCA. Each insert contains a small lesson from one of the Bible passages, a Bible memory verse to use for the month, a Table Prayer to include during meal time, and some ideas for conversations or activities. These have been specifically chosen with children in mind in terms of themes and length.
If you would like to donate flowers in memory, honor or celebration of a loved one or special date, please sign up on the chart in the church office hallway or call the church office at (540) 347-3224 with your information.
Liturgical material © 2017 Augsburg Fortress, used by permission of Augsburg Fortress/Sundays and Seasons #SAS009239. Copyright Acknowledgments for print & broadcast: CCLI - Copyright License #2800659 and Streaming License #20585472 (including SongSelect Advanced); and One License #710443-A.