“Counting 48”: Saturday July 30th – Helping Hands Needed!! Come anytime!
9am-10am Setting up tables and unpacking the boxes of fabric
10am-1:00pm “Counting 48” (selecting fabric squares)
1pm-1:30pm – cleanup
Yes, it’s time to assemble new Quilt Packets. Thanks to Paula, Tom, Andrea and an unknown angel or two, we have nearly 30 boxes of pre-cut fabric squares ready for the counting! As most know, the task at hand is to select 48 squares with coordinating colors and/or patterns and put them in a Ziploc bag. Many helping hands are needed, so please come if you can and invite others to join us.
Quilt Tops Needed – Attention all sew-ers: Tis’ hard to believe but we have only four more work sessions ahead (August & September) and are running low on Quilt tops! Extra packets will be placed in the storage room this week, so please help replenish our shelves with new tops. Thank you! Blessings!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Andrea Mutterer or Phyllis Herrington through your church directory or by getting their contact information from the church office: office@oslc-warrenton.org / (540) 347-3224.
God’s Work. Our Hands.