Let Us Worship Together!
Our Saviour is incredibly pleased to have you join us for live in-person Christmas Eve worship inside the Nave and Sanctuary on Friday, December 24. There will be three services (see times & links below), all of which will be both in-person and online.
A brief “concert” of Christmas music will be begin 15-20 minutes before each service so please come — or tune in online — early to enjoy the sounds of the season!
4:00 pm – Sunset Service
7:00 pm – Nighttime Service with Organ and Choir
11:00 pm – Midnight Mass with Ensemble
Holy Communion at All Services
Join your prayers with the community! During the live stream of the 7pm service, you are invited to type into the Facebook chat any prayer requests for those you want included in the prayers of intercession. Please do this at the beginning of the service so that we can write them up and hand them to the pastors before the prayers start.
Sharing of Poinsettias
A sincere thanks to those who have donated poinsettias in honor or memory of loved ones.
Jerry and Deborah Hoke
In honor of
Laura, Mike, Ian & Colin Armstrong
Sarah, Nick, Jack & Lucas Colley
In memory of
Allen & Evelyn Hoke
Tom & Jeanne Tolley
Marvin and Laverne Hovley
In memory of
Otto & Mary Lehman
Anthony & Tillie Hovley
Bettie Shiflett
In memory of
Rudolph Shiflett
Martha & Melvin Giles
Readings for 4pm & 7pm services:
Isaiah 9:2-7
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
Readings for 11pm service:
Isaiah 52:7-10
Hebrews 1:1-4
John 1:1-14
Nativity of Our Lord: Christmas Eve, Year C
Liturgical material © 2017 Augsburg Fortress, used by permission of Augsburg Fortress/Sundays and Seasons #SAS009239. Copyright Acknowledgments for print & broadcast: CCLI - Copyright License #2800659 and Streaming License #20585472 (including SongSelect Advanced); and One License #710443-A.