


Oct 6, 2024
Adult Continuing ED Banner

Adult Sunday School Class — Living Into the Kingdom

Living Into the Kingdom Putting Study into Practice This summer we studied the Sermon on the Mount. Now, let’s put what we’ve learned into practice as we look to focus our love and talents on self and community. We’ll do Bible reading and discernment. We’ll look at our values to help us understand who we are. We’ll examine what we’re being called to do in our lives. We’ll see how we can live into the kingdom to experience the kingdom…
Oct 10, 2024

Adult Bible Study with Pastor Michael

A Sneak Peek at the Weekly Readings! Each week, we read a series of lessons together in worship, and hear a sermon that touches on at least one of them. But wouldn’t it be great if we knew which lessons we would hear in advance, so that we could understand them more deeply? If only there were some way to get a sneak peek. Good news: there is! Each Thursday, Pastor Michael will introduce us to the lectionary for the…