Welcome the Magi with Lutherans across Virginia during
Epiphany Evening Prayer – online worship – January 6, 2021 at 7pm!
The prayer service has been planned collaboratively with a group of Rostered Ministers from across the Virginia Synod including The Rev. Michael Church, Vicar Alyssa Kaplan, The Rev. Bill Nabers, The Rev. Tina Melusky, The Rev. Harry Griffith, The Rev. Kelly Bayer Derrick, and Bishop Bob Humphrey.
In addition, the service features performances by musicians from the Blacksburg-Radford Fellowship Patrice Yearwood, Brigitta Paulson, John Krallman, Ann Marie Paulson, Louisa Paulson, and Doug Smiley. The Blacksburg-Radford Fellowship consists of five Virginia Synod congregations all from the Blacksburg and Radford area.
Biblically Storytellers Robert Alley, Judy Wilfong, and Kathy Thompson have all planned to share a reading of Matthew Chapter 2 during the service as well.
Pastor Terri adds, “Some of you may remember when the Synod brought the storytellers here to Our Saviour. They really bring the story alive! This worship offering will be a unique way to connect with Lutherans from across the state. I hope you will join me on Zoom for it.”
If you wish to watch together at church, email pastor.terri@oslc-warrenton.org.
The Virginia Synod is hosting an Epiphany Evening Prayer service on Zoom. Plan to join us on January 6, 2021, at 7:00 PM LIVE on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 0408 1651
Passcode: Epiphany
If you can’t connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only). Call +1 (301) 715-8592 (USA) and enter Meeting ID: 835 0408 1651 AND Passcode: 02695477.
In addition to the service being available to join LIVE via Zoom, it will also be archived for later viewing on the Virginia Synod Facebook Page.