We encourage anyone interested to participate in this meeting in order to learn more about the committee and consider joining.
Meet with Mike Burkholder, OSLC’s property manager, and others on the OSLC Property Committee at 7:00 pm on Monday, January 17 to discuss what’s going on with the church building and property — including plans for the future. You can participate either in person at the church in Room #6 off the Fellowship Hall or via Zoom.
To participate on Zoom, sit at your computer or smartphone with the microphone and camera on, and follow this link shortly before 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81575643670?pwd=cmRuM3FpNGNIaEs3TkZWRjlSWEo2QT09. You’ll also need to enter the following passcode: 034617.
If you can’t connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only) by calling +1 (301) 715-8592. The Meeting ID is: 815 7564 3670 and the Passcode is: 034617.