Holden Evening Prayer

Holden Evening Prayer

Wednesday, April 6 at 7pm

Gathering for Evening Prayer is an ancient tradition of the church. For many years, we at Our Saviour have sung our prayers to the music composed by Marty Haugen for the Holden Village Retreat Center. It easy to sing along with, but also beautiful if you prefer to just listen. Either way, please join us in person at the church. If we have a volunteer to do so, this service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page.

Please click the link to access the Holden Evening Prayer booklet. 

This year’s theme is “Praying with the Poets.”  The Bible is full of poetry, by Miriam and David, Mary and Simeon, and many others. Poems of praise and lament, joy and fear, are all part of our spiritual tradition — and they have been written by people of faith up to this very day. On Wednesdays in Lent, Pastor Michael will reflect on some of the poems that have touched his heart. Maybe they will touch yours as well.

Wednesday offerings will support local ministry through the Emergency Fund (see page 12 of March issue of The Messenger for details).

Used by permission: ONE LICENSE A-710443. Annual reprint with podcasting.

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