30 Fast Hours!
From noon on May 26 and continuing through May 27th, at 6:30, 15 OSLC youth and adults fasted for 30 consecutive hours in order to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger. We raised $4700! The funds were sent to ELCA World Hunger, who will use it where it is most desperately needed. They work all over the globe to provide tools, seed, farm animals, and education as well as emergency resources. Thank you to our congregation, friends, and family for your incredible…
Memorial and Endowment Fund is Converted to a “Trust”
Effective immediately the OSLC Memorial and Endowment Fund will be known as the “OSLC Memorial and Endowment Trust Fund.” As approved at two Congregational Meetings, the Trust Fund is being formally established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia with the assistance of Mike Brown of the Walker-Jones law firm. There are two reasons that The Fund was converted to a Trust: to protect what is the second largest asset of the church from loss through possible litigation, and,…
OSLC Welcomes New Office Administrator!
Welcome to Wil Payton, our new office administrator! We are excited to work with our new staff member, Wil. He comes to us with many skills and lots of great experience. We are also deeply grateful for our wonderful volunteer office staff, led by Carole Zeiher. Thank you to all for your many hours of patience, skilled work, and gernosity! On July 19, a luncheon was held to welcome Wil and to honor our volunteers. …
Martha Mae Giles Scholarship Fund for High School Seniors
Calling all youth in Grades 8-12. Accepting applications from mid-December until mid-March
Help Replenish Pastors’ Emergency Assistance Fund
As is OSLC’s tradition at the Thanksgiving Tuesday service (November 22 at 7pm), the offering is designated to the Pastors’ Emergency Assistance Fund to help those in our community who have fallen on hard times. Since the world turned upside down in 2020, almost all of the funds have been used to supply $20 gas cards to 20 needy Fauquier residents each month who come to the church and request them. Usually, the supply is exhausted within the first week…
Bring some Christmas Cheer to our Warrenton Manor neighbors
$10 GIFT CARD DONATIONS NEEDED The ECHO (Experienced Christians Helping Ourselves and Others) Ministry invites the congregation to help the senior adults living at the Warrenton Manor apartments celebrate Christmas in a simple way. In addition to hosting our usual monthly event, we want to give every apartment a $10.00 gift card, tucked into a Christmas card from our ECHO volunteers. Could you help? Please purchase gift cards from Giant, Safeway, or Walmart in the amount of $10, and bring…
We Mourn the Passing of Bill Werre
A funeral will be held on Saturday, April 2 at 11:00 am
We Mourn the Passing of Jeanne Lavonne Doenges
In the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life won for us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we remember before God our sister Jeanne. Please pray for her husband Bob, their daughters Rachael, Amanda and Eliza, and other family and loved ones. Funeral Service* Thursday, April 7 at 5:00 pm Our Saviour Lutheran Church 6194 Dumfries Road, Warrenton, VA 20187 Funeral Meal* Thursday, April 7 in the church Fellowship Hall following the service. * Request for…
We Mourn the Passing of Jim Wood
A funeral will be held on Saturday, April 2 at 11:00 am
New Drama Opportunity for YOUth
Check “Upcoming Events” for the latest on presentation dates and times! Parts Assigned THIS Weekend (3/19/22)! To enhance our worship as well as allow our youth to grow and shine, we are offering a new opportunity for youth to lead the church: a dramatic presentation of the Passion of Our Lord on April 9-10. All Youth are invited to read for speaking parts this Saturday (March 19) at 3:30 pm. Our youth will prepare a dramatic reading of the story…
2022 ELCA Youth Gathering – Canceled
Calling all youth in Grades 8-12. Registration forms will be due by January 16
Registration Open for 2022 Youth Gathering
Calling all youth in Grades 8-12. Registration forms will be due by January 16
Martha Mae Giles Scholarship Fund for High School Seniors
Calling all youth in Grades 8-12. Registration forms will be due by January 16
2021 Memorial and Endowment Fund Distribution
Calling all youth in Grades 8-12. Registration forms will be due by January 16
We Mourn the Passing of Judy Jones
A funeral will be held on Friday, December 17 at 11:00 am
We Mourn the Passing of Richard Baker
Visitation will be Friday, June 25 from 5-7pm. Funeral Service will be Saturday, June 26 at Noon.
Share Your Faith Story With Your OSLC Family
When we belong to the same family (OSLC), we want to hear each other’s stories. That is what we have done in past issues of the church’s monthly newsletter, The Messenger, and would like to continue as it was well received. For some of us, talking or writing about ourselves is easy. It gets harder when it is that sacred dimension, a most precious part of our lives. If your heart is willing to share but you can’t find the words,…
We Mourn the Passing of Melvin M. Giles
Visitation will be Friday, June 25 from 5-7pm. Funeral Service will be Saturday, June 26 at Noon.
Notice of Constitutional Changes for 2022
This is to advise the Congregation that there will be several changes to the OSLC Constitution for the year 2022. These changes will be introduced and voted upon at the congregational meeting on November 7, 2021 to advance them to the February 2022 meeting for a vote of final approval and inclusion in the official Constitution. The changes consist primarily of restructuring and simplifying the Constitution document itself as some of the policies (recently adopted and new) are so large…
Disaster Relief for Our Hurley Virginia Friends
Storms on August 30, 2021 did serious damage to our longtime ministry partners in Hurley, Virginia, a rural community in the far southwest of our state. Torrential rains led to mudslides and flooding. Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless, power and fresh water have been disrupted. Key roads have been rendered impassible. After years of collaboration, we at OSLC must not abandon our friends now. We are gathering funds to send to Hurley Community Development, the local relief…
We Mourn the Passing of Margaret P. Werre
Visitation will be Friday, June 25 from 5-7pm. Funeral Service will be Saturday, June 26 at Noon.
Lenten Wednesdays by Zoom
Although we aren’t able to share Soup Suppers the way we might like, we can join our hearts and voices in prayer at 7pm each Wednesday throughout Lent. Feb 17: Ash Wednesday Feb 24: Commemoration of Elizabeth Fedde, Deaconess Mar 3: Commemoration of John & Charles Wesley Mar 10: Commemoration of Sojourner Truth & Harriet Tubman Mar 17: Commemoration of Patrick, Missionary to Ireland Mar 24: Commemoration of Oscar Romero, Bishop Join 7:00 pm Zoom Session each Wednesday in Lent…
Calendar for January 30-February 12, 2021
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm!
Calendar for January 16-29, 2021
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)
Calendar for January 23-February 5, 2021
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm!
Calendar for December 12-27
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.) Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.
Christmas Message from Presiding Biship Elizabeth Eaton
(click HERE for printable pdf) Precisely in our distress, in our dislocation, the Lord shows up. Emmanuel—God with us—makes his home in the very places we find foreign or isolating. The room was spare and dimly lit. We sat on folding chairs in a circle—young Honduran women and some of us from the ELCA. We had come to Honduras to observe the work of AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities). This is the ELCA’s strategy to…
Calendar for December 5-20
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)
To those who make a special year end donation, these must be deposited in our bank by December 31. While the office will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s (more on that in next week’s news e-blast), Sandy Benfit will check the mailbox periodically that week and make an in-person deposit at PNC Bank on December 31. If you have questions, email Sandy Benfit. If it is easier for you, this donation can also be made online.
Pick Yours Up at Church Now! 2021 Offering Envelopes are now available for pick from tables in the church narthex. There is also a sign-up sheet for anyone who wants an offering box who does not see a box with their name on it. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Benfit.
If there was ever a year the staff might need uplifting, this is it! We are collecting for a monetary gift to all our staff – Pastors, Administrative Assistant, Musicians, and Sexton to be presented before Christmas. Collections will continue through Sunday, December 20 in order to be given out Wednesday, December 23. For in-person giving, please mark your donation as Staff Christmas Gift. For online giving, please select “Staff Christmas Gifts” from the Select Fund drop-down menu on our donate…
Christmas for Warrenton Manor Senior Angels
Echo and Social Ministry are making Christmas plans to adopt all the seniors living at Warrenton Manor (low income housing). If you would like to help out, we are collecting monetary donations and Thrivent Grant money to put together a small gift for each resident. Please donate online (select “Warrenton Manor Sr. Angels” from the Select Fund drop-down menu) or if you are dropping off a check, write ‘Sr Angels’ in the memo line by 3pm on Wednesday, December 16. For…
Calendar for November 28 – December 13
Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2020
Help us spread the Good News and great joy to children in need around the world! We are so excited to continue packing Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes this year. With the pandemic, the need has never been greater. OCC blesses children around the world with gift-filled shoeboxes that become opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The boxes contain items like toys, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and clothing. The boxes are shipped to over 100 counties…
News Update for Saturday, July 4 – Sunday, July 12
Weekly Worship for Saturday, July 4 & Sunday, July 5 To be taken to our Worship & Sermons page, Worship is back in da house! Our Saviour is thrilled to have you join us back inside for Saturday services at 5:30 pm and Sunday services at 10:00 am. Please click the “Read More” button below to get all the details including how to reserve your spot, which will better enable to keep all who wish to worship together in person…
We Mourn the Passing of Laurice Maher
January 5, 1951 – April 26, 2020 Laurice Elizabeth Maher, age 69, a resident of Warrenton, VA and formerly of Long Island, NY entered the Kingdom Eternal on Sunday, April 26. She had a hard battle with ALS, which finally took her. She will be sorely missed by her family and friends. A retired teacher, Laurice and her son Michael joined Our Saviour in the fall of 2015. Laurice was an avid worshiper and, for as long as she was able, active in…
We Mourn the Passing of Arlen Wayne Ingman
October 13, 1932 – April 24, 2020 Arlen Wayne Ingman, age 87, a resident of Warrenton, VA entered the Kingdom Eternal on Friday, April 24. He and his family moved from upstate New York to Virginia in 1972. Nicknamed “Swede”, he was Lutheran through and through. Arlen was an active member of Our Saviour Lutheran Church since joining in 1973. Among other things, he served as an usher and was a part of the Site Committee when Our Saviour moved from Broadview…
Remote Meetings and Virtual Coffee Hour – Using Zoom
In order to facilitate remote committee meetings and the weekly virtual coffee hour, OSLC has chosen Zoom, an online meeting application (app). This allows a “Host” to schedule a meeting and then for “attendees” to join your call. Those who would like to participate in events conducted on Zoom, will need to download the Zoom app on their computer, smart phone, or tablet. Zoom provides the ability to use your computer or mobile device’s camera, microphone and speaker to provide…
News for the Week of April 5th – Holy Week
Weekly Worship for Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020 To keep our members and neighbors safe, Our Saviour is not holding in-person worship services for the time being. But we WILL worship. And we CAN stay connected as a community of faith through our website, phone, email, social media and other technologies. We all miss being together in person and look forward to the day we can resume normal activities safely. Our Saviour is excited to offer a “Virtual Church” experience…
2019 Year in Review Video
Since we can’t see Tom’s great work in the Narthex, we thought we would put a little music with it and post. A great way to see old friends and remember some good times. 2020 will certainly be different but our faith will see us through. Photography courtesy of Tom Bartkiewicz and Royalty free music courtesy of
OSLC Adopts 2020 Constitution
On February 23rd, an updated version of the OSLC Constitution was adopted at a congregational meeting. You can read the constitution as well as the marked-up draft on the OSLC Constitution page of this website.
Lutheran World Relief Quilt Ministry
Welcome to a new year of Quilt-making for Lutheran World Relief! The first Quilting work sessions of the New Year will be on Saturday, January 12 (9am-noon) and Tuesday, January 15 (12:30-3pm). As always, please extend an open invitation welcoming others to be a part of our Ministry. On Saturday, January 12, before we begin assembling new Quilts, we’ll gather together @ 9:00am for a light breakfast (fruit and muffins, coffee/tea/juice) and a brief orientation/planning session. Please RSVP to or…