Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and Activities before Worship Service
The Faith Formation Team invites children of all ages to church for an Easter celebration. Children will have the chance to do a craft with their families, play a game, hear a story, and—hunt for Easter Eggs! Join us at the Kim Ulrich Community Recreation Park for the festivities. A rain location will be the Fellowship Hall. The Fellowship Ministry will provide coffee, donuts, and gluten free snacks for people who come for the activities or early for the service.
(Please park according to parking lot service directions.)
After the party, families will return to their cars for Easter Worship at 10:00am. We will say together, “Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!”
Can you help us with the Easter egg hunt? We will hand out bags of empty plastic eggs after worship on 3/21. Please take a bag and bring it back on Palm Sunday filled with an assortment of your choice of candy or toys—no peanuts, please. On Easter Sunday, we would appreciate your help hiding the eggs and other activities. For more information, contact Mark Knisely or Pastor Terri.
To let us know you are coming or to offer to help, go to our signup at Registration helpful but not required.) For more information, contact Mark Knisely or Pastor Terri.