Our 2018 Fabric Donations Exceeded All Expectations!
Steadily throughout the year we have received exceptional quantities (boxes and boxes and bags and bags full…) of quality fabric donations from members of our Ministry, the Congregation and the Community. It’s exciting to know we are well positioned for 2019 and beyond!!
Let us give thanks for the blessing of fabric and the generous providers!
Getting Ready for 2019…
We will continue to meet on the 2nd Saturday (9am-noon) and following Tuesday (12:30-3:00pm) of each month, January through September.
Quilt Tops
Thanks to everyone working on quilt tops for 2019. Because of limited storage space, please keep them at your homes until we start up in January.
Packets are available in the storage room and on the rolling cart in Fellowship Hall (Large packets contain either flannel or heavier fabrics). Please be reminded we ask that tops be ironed and trimmed of loose threads. Thanks!