On Easter Sunday, April 4, Our Saviour is pleased to offer two options for worshiping together to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Join us at 6:30 am for Sunrise Service in the outdoor worship area or at 10:00 am for a parking lot worship service, which will also be online via Facebook Livestream!
For contemporary service, Our Saviour is pleased to offer a prerecorded online-only service (Facebook Premier) on the Eve of Easter, Saturday, April 3, at 5:30 pm.
Please click the “Read More” button below to get all the details, which will help ensure all who wish to worship together in person stay as safe as possible.

Join your prayers with the community! During the live stream of the service, you are invited to type into the Facebook chat any prayer requests for those you want included in the prayers of intercession. (As always, you may also send your prayer requests by Wednesday the week ahead to office@oslc-warrenton.org.) Please do this at the beginning of the service so that we can write them up and hand them to the pastors before the prayers start.
The Eve of Easter: Saturday, April 3 Online Only Service at 5:30 pm
Join us online only for a Facebook Premiere at 5:30pm of a pre-recorded service featuring Voices of Praise. This is the service that marks our transition from the struggle of Holy Week to the great cry of triumph at Easter.
Download Lessons & Songs Sheet for Saturday Service
Watch Facebook Premiere Service Here
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at 6:30 am
As the women came before dawn to the empty tomb, so we will gather in the darkness to proclaim the victory of Christ. Bring a chair so that we can spread out for safety. (In-person only in the outdoor worship area.)
Easter Sunday Parking Lot Service at 10:00 am
Come celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, and his promise of eternal life. Park facing the church building. Bring a lawn chair and a portable radio if you like, or worship from the comfort of your car. (FM station will be announced on site.)
Download the Worship Bulletin for the Sunday Service
Readings and Psalms:
Acts 10:34-43
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Mark 16:1-8
Resurrection of Our Lord: Easter Day, Year B
Nurturing Faith
Welcome to Nurturing Faith from Roots & Wings, a ministry of the Virginia Synod, ELCA. Each insert contains a small lesson from one of the Bible passages, a Bible memory verse to use for the month, a Table Prayer to include during meal time, and some ideas for conversations or activities. These have been specifically chosen with children in mind in terms of themes and length.
Altar Flowers are on hiatus throughout Lent but will resume after Easter. If you would like to donate flowers in memory, honor or celebration of a loved one or special date, please sign up on the chart in the church office hallway or call the church office at (540) 347-3224 with your information.
Liturgical material © 2017 Augsburg Fortress, used by permission of Augsburg Fortress/Sundays and Seasons #SAS009239. Copyright Acknowledgments for print & broadcast: CCLI - Copyright License #2800659 and Streaming License #20585472 (including SongSelect Advanced); and One License #710443-A.