Remembering Our Saints

Remembering Our Saints

Remembering Our Saints

We at Our Saviour have felt the loss of many of the saints important to us through this past year, and over these years of pandemic. All of our charter members have now died and are at rest from their labors, and many of us mourn for someone whose light shines in our memory, especially those who entered life eternal this year.

Following the sermon at each service this weekend (November 5 -6), worshippers will be able to light candles and place them in the sand display. Also, during the prayers, worship leaders will toll a bell as we pray for members who have died since last All Saints and other names as submitted.

The candle display includes items from our church life together. The candelabra was made by charter member Jack Hamilton for our first worship space at the Warren Green Hotel in the 1950s, assembled from scraps (such as Ford hub cap) from his work at Tom Frost. Many of the decorations are from the 30 Hour Famine, an overnight fasting and fundraising weekend by Our Saviour’s youth. Amidst the fun and learning and growling stomachs, the youth always take a moment to pray for the children and adults who die from hunger and its effects.

From our beginnings until now and on into the future, we are blessed by our worship together and the community that builds. Many thanks to Katherine Lowell and Krista Coyner for assembling the display.


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