March 2025
Lent 2025—Worship and Fellowship Opportunities
This page is your quick reference to the 2025 season of Lent at OSLC Join us on our Lenten Journey! There are lots of things going on. See the links below. Pick up a devotional booklet for yourself and one for your child. They are available in the church narthex. If you don’t see one, just ask! Ash Wednesday, March 5, services at noon and 7pm. Weekly Soup Suppers, followed by Lenten Services each Wednesday. Sunday School and Weekly services…
Lenten Soup Suppers
The OSLC Council invites you to join with us for a Soup Supper at 6:00 pm each Wednesday in the fellowship hall before the Holden Evening Prayer service. Join us for a simple meal of soup and bread as we reflect on our Lenten journey and prepare for Holy Week. No need to bring anything other than yourself, family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesdays! All are welcome!
Holden Evening Prayer – Wednesday Evenings in Lent 2025
Holden Evening Prayer – Every Wednesday “Let my prayer rise up like incense before you.” (Psalm 141) We will join in prayer and song each Wednesday evening in Lent, to strengthen one another in faith and hope. We will be using Holden Evening Prayer, a beautiful and meditative setting for worship. 7:00 pm Weekly In-person and Online (available via Facebook Livestream …if we have a volunteer to do so)
Mar 29, 2025
VoP Set-up and Run-through
Voices of Praise set-up and run-through will begin at 3:00 pm and take place until just before worship service, which begins at 5:30 pm.
Contemporary Weekly Worship
Both In-person and Online Our weekly Saturday service offers the ancient faith in a modern and informal style. Music at this service is led by our house band, Voices of Praise. Their style blends contemporary, bluegrass, folk and classical. The roster has changed a little over the years, but the sense of teamwork and the zeal for God’s work has never flagged. The members of Voices of Praise do not think of themselves as performers, but as worship leaders, inviting…
“Simple” Traditional Weekly Worship
Currently being held in-person only. Please join us for our weekly early Sunday “Simple” service with traditional liturgy, an inspiring sermon, and holy communion. Our Sunday morning “Simple” service is spoken word only and vintage Lutheranism: liturgical but not stuffy, with a constant focus on God’s love, communicated through the Word and Sacraments.
Mar 30, 2025
Sunday Social Hour
Join us for refreshments and conversation
Adult Sunday School Class — Toward the Kingdom of Heaven
Toward the Kingdom of Heaven 40 Daily Readings on the Sermon on the Mount This collection of 40 daily readings is drawn from Amy-Jill Levine’s teachings on the Sermon on the Mount. Containing additional stories, insights, and lessons from the author, the readings further illuminate the wisdom of Jesus’ most famous sermon. For this class we will do a personal daily reading / reflection from the book on all days except Sundays. On Sunday we will gather to discuss each…
Traditional Weekly Worship
Currently being held in-person and online. Please join us for our weekly Sunday service with traditional music and liturgy, an inspiring sermon, and holy communion. Our Sunday morning services are vintage Lutheranism: liturgical but not stuffy, with a constant focus on God’s love, communicated through the Word and Sacraments. If you like classic hymns, a booming organ, the voices of a choir raised in song — and a few moments of silence for prayer and meditation — this is the…
Apr 1, 2025
Weekly News Items Deadline
Please submit any news items for the weekly email blast and printed news to by 9:00 am. Thank you!
Confirmation Education
Confirmation teaches baptized Christians who wish to become Lutheran Martin Luther’s theology on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession, and the Eucharist. … Students usually take confirmation classes through 7th and 8th grade. For enrollment, contact the church office or one of the pastors.
Apr 2, 2025
Senior High Youth Group
Calling All Senior High Youth! Let’s try a new thing! Beginning September 21, youth group meetings will be held on Wednesday nights at 6:00 in the youth room (rm. # 7 off the Fellowship Hall). Please join us for pizza and planning during the first two meetings (9/21 & 9/28). A fun Saturday outing is in the works, and details will be coming your way soon. Meanwhile, come join us during those first couple of meetings to help plan things…
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Adult Choir Rehearsal will begin at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays in the Sanctuary/Nave but use of the space to set-up for this event will begin at 7:00 pm.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry resumes monthly meetings starting Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 4:00-5:00 pm. Join us in the library every first Saturday of the month at 4pm to sit and knit (or crochet or loom knit!), or just to visit. This group welcomes everyone with an interest in the ministry of creating handmade shawls, blankets, and prayer cloths for use during baptisms and pastoral care, regardless of your experience in the fiber arts. If you’re interested in learning this type…