The 2023 quilting season culminates with the “Blessing of the Quilts “ September 23h – 24th.
Yes, it’s true — September marks the conclusion of another FANTASTIC year of quilt-making at OSLC for Lutheran World Relief! We will be extra busy finishing up all the remaining quilts during our last 2 work sessions. We welcome all helping hands and we sincerely hope everyone in the congregation will join in the culminating activity, the Blessing of the Quilts, during all three worship services on September 23th-24th. Together let’s celebrate the ministry, its mission and the members who act in faith and love and give true meaning to “God’s Work, Our Hands” through the gift of quilts to those in need.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Andrea Mutterer or Phyllis Herrington through the church directory or the church office:, (540) 347-3224.