Saying Goodbye to the Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition

Saying Goodbye to the Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition

Many in our community have helped feed our hungry neighbors through the Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition, but now it is time to say goodbye.

This vital ministry, a partnership of many area churches (including ours) and community agencies, has given out boxes of food — both shelf-stable and fresh — from the back door of Warrenton United Methodist Church, on the third Saturday of every month for 19 years. After many long hours of deliberation, they have decided God is leading them to close this ministry.

We thank God for their service and giving us the opportunity to lend a hand, and we wish all the volunteers well as they try to figure out what to do with their third Saturday mornings! (We suspect they will be able to think of something!)

They are inviting all of us volunteers to a closing celebration service on Saturday, August 20, at 11am at WUMC. They write, “It’s been a tremendous 19 years, and we couldn’t have done it without our volunteers. We will be holding a celebration service at 11 am on August 20 at WUMC. If you have ever volunteered, brought food, helped pack boxes, stood at the grocery stores, picked up food, helped at Second Hand Graces, donated money, or been involved with FCFDC in any way, please come by that final 3rd Saturday. ”

If you have shown up, brought in bags of food, or just donated to the OSLC general fund at any point during the past 19 years, you have supported this ministry! Thank you for your support of our neighbors in need and partners in caring.


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