Hope Sighting

Hope Sighting


Virginia Synod – ELCA Facebook Post
December 21 at 5:00 am

Each Tuesday in Advent, one of the Virginia Synod Council members shares a “hope sighting,” a place where they have seen God’s hope in the world around them. This week we hear from Dave Raecke of Our Saviour, Warrenton

“This week’s lectionary reading from Micah says: Bethlehem, you’re not very important, but someone who will rule in Israel will come from there. He has existed from the beginning. He shall be the one of peace.

Sorry for the very rough translation of Micah 5:2-5, but it captures the thought and gets rid of some fancy wording. The thought hangs on the final words: “He shall be the one of peace”. That line brings the message and promise into our Advent hope. Peace can be here for all, and it is something that we can give to the world around us. Micah is telling us to pass it on. ‘Peace be with you’.”


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