Weekly Worship for Saturday, July 4 & Sunday, July 5
To be taken to our Worship & Sermons page,
Worship is back in da house!
Our Saviour is thrilled to have you join us back inside for Saturday services at 5:30 pm and Sunday services at 10:00 am.
Please click the “Read More” button below to get all the details including how to reserve your spot, which will better enable to keep all who wish to worship together in person safe.
For those who prefer to stay safer at home, join us on Facebook live.
First Saturday Potluck — via Zoom!
Please welcome guest preachers — with OSLC family connections!
It is exciting to welcome two pastors to lead worship at Our Saviour in July! On Saturday and Sunday, July 18-19, the Reverend Tarja Stevenson will lead us. Pastor Tarja is Brian Stevenson’s wife and comes to us from Finland, but for many years now a pastor in the ELCA, in the D.C. Synod.
On Saturday and Sunday, July 25-26, the Reverend Sarah Dorrance is our guest. Pastor Sarah is Marian Rognlien’s sister. She adds some fun variety to us: she is ordained in the United Methodist Church.
Come see them in person and offer a warm OSLC welcome or watch them online!
Drive-In Movie Night at OSLC
Join us for some good ol’ fashion fun that’s making a comeback! On Friday, July 17, Our Saviour is holding a drive-in movie night for all to enjoy in the church’s parking lot. “What’s the movie?” you ask. We’re keeping it a secret for another week just to pique your curiosity. [wink-wink, smiley face]
Getting out of the house to enjoy a movie on the big screen has been impossible since the coronavirus, but some have found an innovative solution to the problem — drive-in theaters. OSLC thinks this is a great, family-friendly and safe (fits right in with the physical distancing mandate) idea so we’re bringing our version to you — coming to our parking lot soon!
The feature film will be announced in next week’s news update. Just know you are invited to join us in the church parking lot for a pre-show short film that will begin at 8:30 pm. The feature film will begin after the pre-show, at approximately 9:00 pm.
BYOP: bring your own popcorn – and drinks – as there will be NO concessions. However, the bathroom in the church’s nursery will be available for your convenience.
Questions? Contact Tom Bartkiewicz (tom@sand-dollar.com) or Krista Coyner (kristacoyner@gmail.com)
Adult Bible Study on Thursdays via Zoom
Join Pastor Michael on Thursday evenings at 5:00 pm for a new Bible Study series on the Book of Revelation. Find out more on the event page here.
Receive the Body of Christ
PLEASE NOTE – For the week of July 5, 2020, times of distribution will be Tuesday morning at 10:00 and 10:30 and Wednesday evening at 5:00 and 5:30. For the rest of the month, Holy Communion distribution will only take place during Saturday and Sunday services.
Pastors Michael and Terri have begun distributing Communion by appointment to small groups at church on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.
In order avoid groups of more than 10 and to allow time for necessary cleaning between distributions for the safety and well-being of all, an appointment during the designated days and times is required. There will be no exceptions in order to safely provide this opportunity.
Please use SignUpGenius to make your appointment today!
Those who cannot access the online format may call the office for Yvette to type them in.
Virtual Faith Growth Opportunities:
- Dave’s Thursday Morning Class
Join Dave Raecke and others on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am for a class/Bible study via Zoom. Currently Dave’s class is reading “Looking Anxiety in the Face: Wisdom For All Who Worry” by Herbert Brokering (available on Kindle).
To join the discussion, sit at your computer or smartphone with the microphone and camera on, and
If you can’t connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only). Call +1 (301) 715-8592 (USA) and enter Meeting ID: 890 6870 6445
- Thursday Evening Bible Study with Pastor Michael
Join us Thursday evenings at 5:00 pm for a Bible Study via Zoom led by Pastor Michael. To enter, sit at your computer or smartphone with the microphone and camera on, and
If you can’t connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only). Call +1 (646) 876-9923 (USA) and enter Meeting ID: 895 0940 7035
Please note that meeting/events may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm!
Check out our COVID-19 page for news from the Continuity Committee and how Our Saviour is
(click on “MOVING forward” above to be taken to page or read just the latest news about worshiping inside together again by following this link: https://oslc-warrenton.org/worship-back-inside-beginning-sunday-june-28-at-1000-a-m/)
Also, check out the helpful information from the CDC now that Virginia has opened up and especially since Our Saviour is once again coming together in person to worship. We want to ensure that all members, friends, staff and visitors are well informed and keeping as safe as possible.
Office Hours
The OSLC office is open most of the week, but official open times for the public are Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 am-2:30 pm. Come by for the Food Closet, offering drop off, or stop in to pray. Please wear a cloth mask over your mouth and nose. Don’t have one? We’ll give you one to keep! (FYI, because FCCC is providing child care in our Fellowship Hall, the only available restroom is in the nursery.)
Grateful for Your Donations!
We are extremely grateful for the continued offerings!
OSLC depends on weekly donations to keep the church operational. With your help, OSLC continues to be the church even while we can’t meet in person. Your willingness to invest your time, talents, and financial resources matters!
to help you consider ways you can share a gift and make an impact.
Did you miss news updates from previous weeks?
No worries! You can read up on what’s been happening at Our Saviour Lutheran Church by going to our our Latest News blog posts here.