During Lent, Christians worldwide fast, pray and turn our attention back to God. Ashes are an ancient Biblical signal of repentance and confession. Small packets will be distributed for home use as part of our Ash Wednesday service at 7pm by Zoom.
But for those who desire an in-person service, the church will be open from 10am-noon and 2pm-6pm. At each hour and half-hour, the pastors will lead a short ceremony of confession, prayer and the imposition of ashes. No reservation is necessary, but we can only accommodate 9 worshipers at each service.
If you are able to help deliver the At Home Devotional Kits for Lent, which include the ashes, or arrange to pick your own up from church, please sign up here:
“Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”
Join 7:00 pm Zoom Session each Wednesday in Lent using the following link:
Meeting ID: 880 0290 5820
Passcode: 520011
If you aren’t able or don’t wish to connect by computer, it is also possible to dial in by phone (audio only). Call +1 (301) 715-8592 (USA) and enter Meeting ID: 880 0290 5820 AND Passcode: 520011.