The Messenger – February 2020

The Messenger – February 2020

February 2020 CalendarFebruary 2020 Serving Schedule

BEHOLD, SAYS THE LORD in Revelation, I make all things new.

So he does. As the first apostles were called and immediately left their nets to follow Jesus, so we are called to
live a new life when we follow him.

Our Saviour has begun a process of congregational renewal called THRIVE. We have good leaders and good ideas. But we need something more – we need help from God, who makes all things new.

Each season during this process, we will share a common prayer, for members to use privately or together, in worship and at meetings. Here is the prayer for midwinter:

O Jesus, gather us to learn your way.
Holy Spirit, fill us with your power and your joy.
Together we claim your promise of new life for Our Saviour and the world.
We are grateful! Amen.

Pray it with us – and be part of the new things that God is doing.

View the entire February 2020 newsletter

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