May 7 – Jun 10, 2020
Adult Bible Study: The Lord’s Prayer
Adult Bible Study on Thursdays via Zoom: Join us THIS EVENING at 5:00 pm for the first in a Bible Study series on the Lord’s Prayer. The best-known prayer in the world is the one Jesus taught us. But how well do we really know it? Let’s dive into its history, its use, and above all its meaning. Pastor Michael will teach a Bible Study via Zoom. To enter, sit at your computer or smartphone with the microphone and camera…
Funeral for Arlen Ingman
The Funeral Service will be hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church on Thursday, May 7, 2020, at 7:00 pm. It will be open to the public only through Zoom video or telephone conferencing. Please click on the following link to attend the service: Meeting ID: 830 9127 8779 Password: 016976 For those who wish to attend with audio only (telephone), dial +1( 301) 715-8592 and use the same Meeting ID and Password listed above. The bulletin for Arlen Ingman’s funeral service can be viewed/downloaded by clicking…
Apr 22, 2020
Special Congregational Meeting
Congregational Meeting on Wednesday, April 22, at 7:00 pm A special meeting of the congregation will be held on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of considering application for a Small Business Administration loan. This loan is available through the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program and will ensure Our Saviour’s continued operations in response to the current crisis. Although stewardship has remained strong thus far (and for that we are very, very grateful!), the Council feels that…
Mar 29, 2020
Virtual Coffee Hour
Feeling isolated? Going stir crazy? Eager to catch up with friends? Join other OSLC folks after our 10:00 am Sunday virtual worship service. There are 2 ways to join: 1) After the service from your computer or smart phone: click here to join the Virtual Coffee Hour You’ll need to enter this Meeting ID: 997 894 468, which will put you into the conversation. We are using an online platform called Zoom. It will give you a chance to test your camera and…
Mar 14 – 21, 2020
Worshiping at Home? Use the Bulletin to Pray!
If you aren’t with us in body this weekend, you can join us in spirit by reading the lessons and saying the prayers that we are using in our worship services. Click this link to read the bulletin for the Saturday night service on 14 March 2020. Sat-Bulletin_Mar-14-2020_LARGE Click this link to read the bulletin for 15 March, the Third Sunday in Lent, 2020: Bulletin Lent 3 A Setting 4 2020
30 Hour Famine
Help Change the World by Going Without. How can you help? If you are a youth in 6th through 12th grades you can sign up to participate in the 30 hour famine, tell the famine story, and gather sponsors. If you’re an adult, you can join us for an eye opening Famine weekend and/or sponsor one or more of the participants. Everyone is invited after the famine for the “Release the Feast” pot luck. Most importantly, you can pray and…
Feb 23, 2020
Congregational Meeting and Pancake Brunch
Since the congregational meeting falls on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday this year, we are going to move the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to Sunday and call it a brunch! Pancakes and more will be served following the 10:30 am service. After we have enjoyed the food, we will hear reports on the mission and ministry of Our Saviour, formally greet the new Congregation Council, and elect voting members to the 2020 Virginia Synod Assembly. If you have any questions, contact…
Dec 24, 2019
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve – December 24 Family Service – 4:00 pm Organ and Choir – 7:00 pm Ensemble – 10:30 pm Holy Communion at All Services Christmas Day Worship with Holy Communion – 11:00am The Epiphany of Our Lord or “Three Kings Day” January 4 – 5:00 pm Contemporary Service with Holy Communion January 5 – 8:00 am and 10:30 am Traditional Service with Holy Communion
Dec 22, 2019
Join our Senior Angel Friends at Warrenton Manor!
This Christmas, Social Ministry and ECHO are teaming up to provide gift cards to our friends at Warrenton Manor. How do you do this? Simple! Sign-up by selecting one or more pre-labeled Christmas cards after services in the coming weeks Write a personalized note to your senior(s) Return the card and envelope (unsealed) and $20 designated to Senior Angels in your offering If you can, please join us at the 2:00 p.m. Christmas get-together Sunday, December 22 at Warrenton Manor (663 Hastings…
Dec 20 – 22, 2019
First Noel Live
Tune in to Bethlehem Weekend Update with co-anchors Abel Inwilling and Dina Blowerhorn. Their breaking news on bewildering local events includes live updates by senior correspondents who interview key eyewitnesses. Click here to reserve your spot Three Performance Times December 20th at 7:00 pm December 21st at 7:30 pm (optional dinner at 6:30 pm) Please RSVP for this dinner/performance by 12/15. Cost to cover dinner is $10 per person December 22nd at 2:00 pm To place an ad in the…
Dec 15, 2019
Duo Harp Concert by Candlelight
With the Baroque Recorder Consort Sunday, December 15th , 4:00pm at Our Saviour ♫ FREE Come enliven your holiday spirit by listening to the enchanting sounds of two harps playing seasonal duet music by candlelight! The harp duo of Brian Stevenson and Cheryl Roeske will bring a beautiful program of holiday music, along with the Baroque Recorder Consort’s Christmas favorites! The two groups will join forces to end the concert with an audience sing-along to one of the season’s most beloved hymns. (Any guesses?) Please invite…
Nov 26, 2019
Thanksgiving Service & Pie-Fest
Join Us For Our Annual Thanksgiving Service & Pie-Fest! Following our Thanksgiving service, please join us as we enjoy fellowship over delicious PIES! We are kicking off our 2021 National Youth Gathering fundraising with PIE! We know there are some awesome bakers at OSLC and we’re asking for your help—there are two easy ways to do so at the annual Pie Fest on Tuesday, November 26. Bake (or buy) a pie—and donate it for auction (these pies are in addition…
Help Needed for Christmas Bazaar
Calling All Crafters and Cookie Bakers!— REBEKAH CIRCLE is currently preparing for the November 23, 2019 Christmas Bazaar. Anyone interested in donating items to the bazaar may bring them to the fellowship hall November 22, 2019, after 8:00 AM during set up. We welcome anyone interested in helping with the set-up, bazaar or clean-up to join us for fun and fellowship. As always, we appeal to all the wonderful cookie makers to work their magic and help us have a successful event. Remember,…
OSLC Celebrating 60 Years
Lutherans love to celebrate, so come honor our past and see how things have changed over the six decades of OSLC’s history. You’re invited to all of it! Saturday, September 21 – 6:30 pm “Decades” Dinner and an Original Youth Skit Join us following the 5:30 service to enjoy traditional favorite foods from the 1960s through present day. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly, and sign up to bring a dish if you’re able! Eight PALMS and senior youth…
Quilting Ministry
Welcome to a new year of Quilt-making for Lutheran World Relief! The first Quilting work sessions of the New Year will be on Saturday, January 12 (9am-noon) and Tuesday, January 15 (12:30-3pm). As always, please extend an open invitation welcoming others to be a part of our Ministry. On Saturday, January 12, before we begin assembling new Quilts, we’ll gather together @ 9:00am for a light breakfast (fruit and muffins, coffee/tea/juice) and a brief orientation/planning session. Please RSVP to or And last,…
Junior High Servant Event – At the Water’s Edge
For youth who have completed grades 6 through 8. For information, contact Pastor Terri or Tom Bartkiewicz.
2019 Vacation Bible School
Join us for our journey to Babylon and meet Daniel!
May 10, 2019
Trivia Night-Habitat for Humanity
OSLC will host the Fauquier Habitat for Humanity Annual Women Build Trivia Night on Friday, May 10, 2019. Dinner starts at 6 pm Trivia starts at 7 pm 8 Players per team Silent and Live Auctions $10 per person to play + $10 per person for pasta dinner To RSVP Contact Linda at 540-878-0908 – OR –
Apr 6, 2019
Potluck Dinner
Join us for a potluck dinner on the first Saturday of every month following the 5:30 pm service.
The Word in the Windows Adult Sunday School
Classes Start January 6 at 9:30am Have you ever wondered about the images you see in our stained-glass windows? Do you enjoy seeing how the light changes as it passes through the colors? Do you have your own story about the windows at Our Saviour—how they have increased your faith or perhaps when they were installed or created? Join Pastor Terri in the Sunday School time (9:30-10:15am) in January and February to learn more about them. Hear the Bible readings…
Jan 12, 2019
No Services on Sunday, 12 January 2019
Because of the heavy snowfall predicted this weekend, there will be NO WORSHIP SERVICES at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on Sunday, 12 January 2019. View the Saturday evening service: Sunday School classes, including “Word in the Windows,” are also canceled. Please join us next weekend for to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” (Ps. 29)
Dec 5 – 19, 2018
Advent Evening Vespers
Join us in the nave each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm for a beautiful advent service.
Bethlehem P.D.
On Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 pm Just the Facts… … will be revealed during Bethlehem P.D., this year’s Christmas play being put on by nine OSLC youth. Join us in the fellowship hall after the Saturday night service on December 15 to enjoy a Middle Eastern dinner, and then follow Sergeant Joe Thursday and his sidekick Officer Frank Cannon as they walk the Bethlehem beat, investigating celestial disturbances, awestruck shepherds, angel visits, and more! RSVPs are required; tickets are $10/person and can be reserved…
Funeral for Arlene Harms
A beloved member of this congregation entered the Church Triumphant on Wednesday, August 8. Please keep her husband John and their family in your prayers.
Echo Trip to Museum of the Bible
Join us as we visit The Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Sign-up deadline is Sept 9 (see poster in narthex). Contact Marian Rognlien at 703-754-9221 or
Sep 5, 2018
Funeral for Suzanne Ravn
A beloved member of this congregation entered the Church Triumphant on Wednesday, August 8. Please keep her husband John and their family in your prayers.
The Funeral of David Allan Flohr
Please keep his wife Kelley, his children and his mother Rose in your prayers.
Vacation Bible School
Join us for our journey to Babylon and meet Daniel!
Potomac Nationals Baseball Game
Y’ALL COME OUT TO THE BALL GAME All members and friends are welcome to attend “OSLC’s Afternoon” at the Potomac Nationals Baseball game, Monday, May 28. First pitch is at 1:05 pm; we’ll leave the church at 11:30am so we don’t miss it. The cost is $14 per ticket. Please sign up by May 21 so we can plan transportation accordingly. How to Sign Up Contact Rich Baker or Tom Bartkiewicz if you are interested in going with…
The Funeral of Fay Trumbo
Fay Trumbo was a founding member of Our Saviour. He remained a regular communicant to the end of his life. We rejoice in his faithfulness, and give praise to God for his ninety-seven years. Join us on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. to commend Fay to God’s care. For more information, please read his obituary at the Moser Funeral Home website.
May 10, 2018
Ascension Day Service: Thursday, May 10 at 7pm
“Oh you Galileans, why are you staring in astonishment at the sky?” On Ascension Day — the only major festival that always falls on a Thursday! — we celebrate the end of the Lord’s earthly ministry. Having died and risen, he was taken up into heaven. This means that for the time being, we who love him are meant to do his work in the world. We are to be, in a real sense, his Body on earth. Yet with…
Benefit Concert: Sunday, May 6, at 4:00 p.m.
The Warrenton Chamber Singers, an offshoot of the Warrenton Chorale, will be onsite at Our Saviour Lutheran Church for a spring concert. All proceeds from this free-will donation concert will support 9 OSLC youth members who are attending the ELCA National Youth Gathering from June 27–July 1, 2018 in Houston, TX. Held once every three years, the National Youth Gathering attracts 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to gather for…
Apr 21, 2018
Orientation and New Members
The next class to welcome new members and deepen the faith of current ones will be held on Saturday, April 21, 9am-2pm. Please contact the office to sign up or receive more information. RSVP by Wednesday, 4/18, to
Mar 9 – 11, 2018
Called By Name – Women’s Retreat
THE FIRST OSLC WOMEN’S RETREAT—Our theme is Called by Name. We will discover how our names point us to our calling, as well as renew our respect and love for ourselves, our calling, and our gifts. Held at Buttonwood Lodge at Signal Knob Farm near Strasburg, the cost of $175 per person includes overnight accommodations (two attendees per room) for Friday and Saturday, three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. There are only 16 spaces available. Click Here for…
Advent Vespers
Evening Prayer in Advent! December 6, 13, & 20 at 7 pm Light the Advent Wreath, sing psalms and praises, and pray together. Music led by Johanna Huber and Christopher Kiser Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you! Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. The Light no darkness can overcome!
Dec 16, 2017
Caroling at OSLC – December ECHO Event
The ECHO (Experienced Christians Helping Ourselves and Others) ministry invites you to join us on Saturday December 16, 2017 from 10 AM to 12 PM to have some holiday fun! What can you expect? We’ll sing Christmas Carols under the direction of Dean Kolb accompanied by Bettie Shiflett on piano. We’ll eat a scrumptious brunch of breakfast casseroles and other goodies provided by the ECHO cooks. Don’t miss this fun annual event! Please sign up by Sunday December 10, 2017…
Christmas Bazaar
‘Tis the Season… …for giving and receiving at Our Saviour’s Joyful Tidings Bazaar! Saturday, November 18 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Browse gorgeous handmade holiday crafts and tasty tidbits for purchase. Enjoy music. Bring the kids for a cookie walk and a chat with Santa. All proceeds are donated to local charities.
Luther Live!
Join Our Saviour Lutheran Church for this special celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!
Oct 3 – 4, 2017
Blessing of the Animals
Wednesday, October 4 at 6:30pm, outdoor altar Bring your furry, feathered or finny friends. . . or photographs of them–to this brief worship service to thank God for them and ask God to bless them on this special Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Recognizing the service some canines provide in police work, all free-will offering will be donated to the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit. Please bring animals on leash, in carriers or other appropriate restraints for the safety…
Blessing of the Quilts
Yes, it’s true; September marks the conclusion of another FANTASTIC year of quilt-making at OSLC for Lutheran World Relief!
Ulrich Park Dedication Party
Let’s Play! Join this free community event to cut the ribbon and bless our new Ulrich Park!
Annual Trivia Night – Fauquier Habitat for Humanity
Don’t miss the fun! Dinner, Trivia, Silent Auction, Live Auction, and great fellowship.
Ladies’ Bible Study:
The Gospel of Mark
Please join Barbara Brown and other ladies of the church on Tuesday mornings at 10am in the church’s Library to study, pray and grow in faith together. The group will be reading and discussing The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For by Lisa Harper once the group resumes meeting on August 16, 2022 after a summer hiatus. Books will be free and are being ordered. Once they arrive and are available for pick-up, this page will be updated.…
Mar 31, 2025 – Jan 1, 1970
Anti-Anxiety Meditation
What and When? Holistic Mentor Shannon Scott and Pastor Terri Church will lead a brief time in prayer, guided visualizations, and silent journal reflection to start the day and get you through the rest of the week on Wednesday mornings, from 8:30-9:00am, beginning January 12, 2022. Why? Even before the global pandemic, mental health ranked at the top of ongoing needs for most of us. Our Thrive Renewal Process discovered that ALL of our constituent groups have intense needs in…
Quilt Ministry’s Spring 2022 Fundraiser
Get Your Tickets for this Amazing Fundraiser! To help offset rising costs of sheets, batting and supplies, plans are underway to sponsor a fundraiser drawing for two (2) of our beautiful Quilts in April. Tickets will be available at a table in the Narthex before and after services April 9 through April 30 and the drawing will be after Saturday service on April 30. Tickets will be $5/ticket or $20/5 tickets and participants can bid on either one or both…
Mar 31, 2025
Advent Evening Services
Wednesday, December 5 7:00pm Wednesday, December 12 7:00pm Wednesday, December 19 7:00pm Join us in the nave for these special services welcoming our Lord and Saviour into the world.
Mar 31, 2025
Worshiping at Home This Week? Pray Through This Sunday’s Bulletin
Bulletin Lent 3 A Setting 4 2020
Mar 31, 2025
Funeral for Howard Oberheu
Funeral Arrangements for Howard, Our Beloved Friend and Brother in Christ. Obituary Here. Visitation Friday, November 3 at 11:30 am …
Mar 31, 2025
All church events for Wednesday, 21 March 2018 are cancelled because of the snowfall. There will be NO Noon Prayer, Soup Supper, Evening Prayer or COnfirmation Education. Please stay home and stay safe.
Mar 31, 2025
June 8 – June 16 weekly agenda
This Week’s Agenda: Sat, June 8 5:30pm Worship/Communion Sun, June 9 8:00am Worship/Communion 9:15am Confirmation Brunch 9:15am Children’s Bible Hour 10:30am Worship/Confirmation Mon, June 10 ALL DAY OFFICE CLOSED Tues, June 11 7am-7pm Primary Voting 10:00am Ladies Bible Study 12:30pm Quilting in Rms 6 & 7 7:00pm Worship Planning Cmte Wed, June 12 9:00am Bulletin Deadline 11:00am ECHO to Warrenton Mnr Thu, June 13 10:00am Adult Bible Study 7:00pm Church Council …
Mar 31, 2025
21 March 2018 — Snow Cancellation
All church events for Wednesday, 21 March 2018 are cancelled because of the snowfall. There will be NO Noon Prayer, Soup Supper, Evening Prayer or Confirmation Education. Please stay home and stay safe.
Mar 31, 2025
June 8 – 16 weekly agenda
This Week’s Agenda: Sat, June 8 5:30pm Worship/Communion Sun, June 9 8:00am Worship/Communion 9:15am Confirmation Brunch 9:15am Children’s Bible Hour 10:30am Worship/Confirmation Mon, June 10 ALL DAY OFFICE CLOSED Tues, June 11 7am-7pm Primary Voting 10:00am Ladies Bible Study 12:30pm Quilting in Rms 6 & 7 7:00pm Worship Planning Cmte Wed, June 12 9:00am Bulletin Deadline 11:00am ECHO to Warrenton Mnr Thu, June 13 10:00am Adult Bible Study 7:00pm Church Council …
Mar 31, 2025
Advent Evening Services
Wednesday, December 5 7:00pm Wednesday, December 12 7:00pm Wednesday, December 19 7:00pm Join us at in the nave for these special worship services welcoming our Lord and Saviour into the world.