God Sightings: Stories of Faith In Our Daily Lives (Page 2)

God Sightings: Stories of Faith In Our Daily Lives (Page 2)

In this space, we will be sharing stories from our congregation. Some will be short, some will be a bit longer. Some will be about struggles, some will be about simple joys. But they will all be reminders of how we encounter God as we go about our daily lives.  

This week’s story is “Love One Another” by J.L.

I stop by a local Wawa a few times a week for a coffee at the start of my 5:00 a.m. commute.  I find it buzzing with people starting their workday.  There are landscapers, road crews, construction workers, nurses, fuel haulers, business professionals, and many more.  Their clothing ranges from worn work-boots and stained coveralls to fresh scrubs and white-collared shirts.  Some are in their 20s grabbing some Gatorade, others are in their 30s ordering a burrito, some are over 60 picking up a sandwich while balancing a cup of coffee.

These patrons span all political, economic, social, cultural, racial, educational, and religious backgrounds.  And if you believe the pundits, these patrons should be shouting at each other with disdain.  But what I have experienced (100% of the time) are kind greetings, doors held for others, offers to jump-start dead batteries, and goofy workday cliches delivered with a smile.

So why am I writing this?  Because I want to share with my church the positive human interactions, signs of decency, and caring humanity displayed by a group of strangers who share a few things in common:  1) they are all awake way too early, 2) they all have a tough workday ahead, and 3) they understand that everyone around them is in the same boat.  Recognizing what we have in common, in any setting, makes following Jesus’ command a little easier.

 John 13:20 20 Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”



Calendar for December 5-20

Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)


To those who make a special year end donation, these must be deposited in our bank by December 31. While the office will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s (more on that in next week’s news e-blast), Sandy Benfit will check the mailbox periodically that week and make an in-person deposit at PNC Bank on December 31. If you have questions, email Sandy Benfit. If it is easier for you, this donation can also be made online.


Pick Yours Up at Church Now! 2021 Offering Envelopes are now available for pick from tables in the church narthex. There is also a sign-up sheet for anyone who wants an offering box who does not see a box with their name on it. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Benfit.


If there was ever a year the staff might need uplifting, this is it! We are collecting for a monetary gift to all our staff – Pastors, Administrative Assistant, Musicians, and Sexton to be presented before Christmas. Collections will continue through Sunday, December 20 in order to be given out Wednesday, December 23. For in-person giving, please mark your donation as Staff Christmas Gift. For online giving, please select “Staff Christmas Gifts” from the Select Fund drop-down menu on our donate…

Christmas for Warrenton Manor Senior Angels

Echo and Social Ministry are making Christmas plans to adopt all the seniors living at Warrenton Manor (low income housing). If you would like to help out, we are collecting monetary donations and Thrivent Grant money to put together a small gift for each resident. Please donate online (select “Warrenton Manor Sr. Angels” from the Select Fund drop-down menu) or if you are dropping off a check, write ‘Sr Angels’ in the memo line by 3pm on Wednesday, December 16. For…

Calendar for November 28 – December 13

Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)

The Messenger: December 2020

ADVENT — TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF CHRIST The first mechanical clock on record was built for Dunstable Priory, a monastery in England, around the year 1283. The monks used it to announce the hours for daily prayer. Christianity has always been interested in marking the passage of time. In the 1600s, four church buildings were the best solar observatories in the world. Built to fix the date of Easter, they also housed instruments that threw light on…

Calendar for November 21 – December 6

Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)

Calendar for November 14-29

Please note that meeting/event may be occurring in person and/or online. Please check to confirm! (Click image of calendar below to be taken to downloadable/printable PDF.)

“Reverse” PieFest for Fauquier Habitat Homeowners

Help us “break bread” with our local Habitat homeowners this Thanksgiving!We may not be able to come together to eat each other’s delicious baked pies this year, but we CAN help others enjoy the holiday. Our goal is to create four large baskets filled with breads, baked goods, and of course, PIES! Each basket will go to a different homeowner to help us connect with them. When you select a slot, please briefly describe the item(s) you are donating in…

Thanksgiving Turkeys Social Ministry Project

Help our neighbors have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with your donations for Turkeys! The Social Ministry Committee and Caring Team are asking for your support to help our neighbors celebrate Thanksgiving. Please donate money (by mail, in person drop off or online) to Thanksgiving Turkeys for Head Start families and First Responders. Please donate by the end of worship service on Sunday, November 15. Our Social Ministry Committee will use some of the money to purchase turkeys for them.

The Messenger: November 2020

WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR? We Americans ask that question every November, on our national Day of Thanksgiving. The answers are familiar: our family and friends, our church, our nation and its blessings. Even in the midst of this year’s chaos, most of us are still holding on to those things with gratitude. The Lutheran calendar of Festivals and Commemorations reminds us the Christian heroes to whom we owe so much. In the days just before Thanksgiving, we recall: Miguel…

SAFE: Social Ministry Project for November 2020

Social Ministry is collecting cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items and other essentials to be provided to the residents of SAFE (Services to Abused Families Inc) in Culpeper VA. The current Wish List is as follows: Please bring your donations with you to service any weekend in November to place in the collection tub in the narthex. You can also drop them off at the church during weekday office hours (Tue.-Fri., 9:30am-2:30pm). Please contact Fred Koozer with any questions or to…

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2020

Help us spread the Good News and great joy to children in need around the world! We are so excited to continue packing Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes this year. With the pandemic, the need has never been greater.  OCC blesses children around the world with gift-filled shoeboxes that become opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The boxes contain items like toys, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and clothing.  The boxes are shipped to over 100 counties…

2020 Quilt Year Tally

Challenges and change did not deter our Quilters from successfully completing and presenting one hundred and thirty one (131) Quilts for Blessing at last weekend’s services. Hopefully you had a chance to view the Quilts and listen to the wonderful sermon in person and/or via Facebook. Heartfelt thanks to the Church Council and the Congregation for the generous financial support and spiritual support that makes our Mission possible!  Blessings!

The Messenger: October 2020

OCTOBER IS A SPECIAL MONTH FOR LUTHERANS. It was in this month that we remember the life of St. Francis, often by blessing animals on the 4th; the birth of the great missionary Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, on the 7th; Luke the Evangelist, Simon and Jude the Apostles, and more. But for most of us, the climax of the month’s remembrances is October 31, or the Sunday before, when we remember the day in 1517 that Martin Luther posted his 95…

The Messenger: September 2020

LUTHERANS CARE ABOUT PEOPLE, AND ESPECIALLY PEOPLE IN NEED. In Wittenberg, during the Reformation, Martin Luther himself helped organize the “Community Chest,” which provided welfare for the poor, zero-interest loans to get impoverished artisans back on their feet, and funds for teachers, church workers and even a physician to care for those unable to afford medical care. In that same spirit, we at Our Saviour are proud to celebrate and support Lutheran World Relief, the global expression of Lutheran charity.…

The Messenger: August 2020

THE MONTH OF AUGUST WAS FIRST CALLED ” SEXTILUS.” In 8 BC, it was renamed after the Roman emperor, who went by the name “Augustus,” meaning Auspicious or Venerable. In the northern US, August is a hot, miserable month when many people take summer vacation.  In the South, it is hotter and more miserable – and we send children back to school. It is also, for reasons nobody truly understands, National Panini Month. And on August 15 each year, Christians…

News Update for Saturday, July 4 – Sunday, July 12

Weekly Worship for Saturday, July 4 & Sunday, July 5 To be taken to our Worship & Sermons page, Worship is back in da house!  Our Saviour is thrilled to have you join us back inside for Saturday services at 5:30 pm and Sunday services at 10:00 am. Please click the “Read More” button below to get all the details including how to reserve your spot, which will better enable to keep all who wish to worship together in person…

The Messenger – July 2020

I HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT THE LITTLE graphic on this front page changes from month to month? It reflects the season of the church year: a dove for Pentecost, a triangle for Trinity. And this month, as we plunge into summer, it is the Tree of Life. This is the tree mentioned in Revelation, whose fruit Jesus promises to all who stay faithful during hard times. It is also a symbol of growth, as in summer the trees are full and green. The Tree of Life is a…

The Messenger – June 2020

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! Nearly every service at Our Saviour begins with this invocation. It is the name in which we wash new Christians, and when we hear it, many of us make the sign of the Cross in remembrance of our baptism. Yet, when we pray, how rarely do we address our prayers to the Trinity? How rarely do we call God by this full, revealed name? For…

We Mourn the Passing of Laurice Maher

January 5, 1951 – April 26, 2020 Laurice Elizabeth Maher, age 69, a resident of Warrenton, VA and formerly of Long Island, NY entered the Kingdom Eternal on Sunday, April 26. She had a hard battle with ALS, which finally took her. She will be sorely missed by her family and friends. A retired teacher, Laurice and her son Michael joined Our Saviour in the fall of 2015. Laurice was an avid worshiper and, for as long as she was able, active in…

We Mourn the Passing of Arlen Wayne Ingman

October 13, 1932 – April 24, 2020 Arlen Wayne Ingman, age 87, a resident of Warrenton, VA entered the Kingdom Eternal on Friday, April 24. He and his family moved from upstate New York to Virginia in 1972. Nicknamed “Swede”, he was Lutheran through and through. Arlen was an active member of Our Saviour Lutheran Church since joining in 1973. Among other things, he served as an usher and was a part of the Site Committee when Our Saviour moved from Broadview…

The Messenger – April 2020

Coming together is an essential part of the Christian life. Every week since the first Easter, we have gathered as a community, sharing a meal and a message of hope, trusting that Jesus is there among us. The Bible drives this home. The New Testament word for “church” is ekklesia, which means “assembly.” St. Paul says that this assembly – this gathering of people in one place – is Christ’s body on Earth. But today, gathering together in one place…

The Messenger – May 2020

  CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! This is the shout of triumph with which Christians greet the feast of the Resurrection. It is a reminder that our fears and hopes lie equally in the hands of a mighty God. This Easter more than most, we need to hear the promise and take it to heart. This is a difficult time. People, especially in hospitals and nursing homes, cannot be together as they would like. Children cannot gather around…

Prayer at Home

by Tina Korte Prayer at home #10 Dear God, Lord of the Universe,                                                                                                                                                Teach me how to pray in the good and fruitful times and the hard and devastating times. I hear the birds singing.  I see the sunrise and that perfect pink zinnia growing in the pot on my patio. In the morning after last night’s needed rain, I smell the clean fresh air on the lawn. And that first taste of coffee in my mug goes down with…

Remote Meetings and Virtual Coffee Hour – Using Zoom

In order to facilitate remote committee meetings and the weekly virtual coffee hour, OSLC has chosen Zoom, an online meeting application (app). This allows a “Host” to schedule a meeting and then for “attendees” to join your call. Those who would like to participate in events conducted on Zoom, will need to download the Zoom app on their computer, smart phone, or tablet. Zoom provides the ability to use your computer or mobile device’s camera, microphone and speaker to provide…

News for the Week of April 5th – Holy Week

Weekly Worship for Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020 To keep our members and neighbors safe, Our Saviour is not holding in-person worship services for the time being. But we WILL worship. And we CAN stay connected as a community of faith through our website, phone, email, social media and other technologies. We all miss being together in person and look forward to the day we can resume normal activities safely. Our Saviour is excited to offer a “Virtual Church” experience…

Christ in Our Home – Free Daily Email Subscription

Christ in Our Home is a devotional resource that encourages readers to live out their faith daily published by Augsburg Fortress. Each reflective reading is accompanied by a daily scripture reference and prayer for the day that follows the Revised Common Lectionary. To assist with devotional life during this crisis, Augsburg Fortress is offering a limited-time complementary email subscription.  Sign up and they will deliver the daily devotional to your email at 4am Central Time for the month of April 2020.…

2019 Year in Review Video

Since we can’t see Tom’s great work in the Narthex, we thought we would put a little music with it and post. A great way to see old friends and remember some good times. 2020 will certainly be different but our faith will see us through. Photography courtesy of Tom Bartkiewicz Sand-dollar.com and Royalty free music courtesy of bensound.com

The Messenger – March 2020

I SAID:  I WILL CONFESS MY TRANSGRESSIONS TO THE LORD. Years ago, that verse from Psalm 32 was sung as part of the Brief Order of Confession in most Lutheran churches. It still echoes in many of our ears, reminding us of God’s call to be honest with him and with ourselves, to lay open our hearts. This openness, this unflinching acknowledgment of our own failures, is an important part of Lent, the season of penitence and self-denial. But the…

Jesus “chooses” to Heal and Comfort Us

By Tina Korte In reading Matthew 8, you will find that Jesus “chooses” to heal and comfort us.  And in times of “terrible stress” he is always available.  Our faith relies on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in these topsy-turvy times.  In this “windstorm” surrounding us today, all we need to do is ask Slowly take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Oh, Lord, our life as we’ve known it, is changing.  We are struggling as we lose…

OSLC Adopts 2020 Constitution

On February 23rd, an updated version of the OSLC Constitution was adopted at a congregational meeting. You can read the constitution as well as the marked-up draft on the OSLC Constitution page of this website.

The Messenger – February 2020

BEHOLD, SAYS THE LORD in Revelation, I make all things new. So he does. As the first apostles were called and immediately left their nets to follow Jesus, so we are called to live a new life when we follow him. Our Saviour has begun a process of congregational renewal called THRIVE. We have good leaders and good ideas. But we need something more – we need help from God, who makes all things new. Each season during this process, we will share a common prayer, for members to use…

The Messenger – September 2019

60 Years It began in the late 1950s, as a handful of people began to gather, talking about Jesus. The Warrenton Lutheran Group was not yet a church. After years of canvassing the community, talking to the Virginia Synod, and working with a mission developer, Pastor Kenneth Price, the day came: the Service of Organization. On Palm Sunday, 1959, in the Hunt Room of the Warren Green Hotel, the newest congregation of the Lutheran Church in America celebrated its first…

Funeral for Richard Bingler

Richard George Bingler August 21, 1951 – February 9, 2019 A funeral will be held at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on Friday, April 26, 2019 at 11:00am A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall Our Saviour Lutheran Church 6194 Dumfries Road, Warrenton

The Power of One

Pastor Michael joins Tina Korte for a conversation about “The Power of One”.

World Quilting Day – Quilt Raffle

World Quilting Day is Saturday, March 16 To raise awareness and celebrate World Quilting Day we will sponsor drawings for two (2) of our beautiful Quilts!  Tickets will be available before and after services on March 16th and 17th @ a table in the Narthex.  $5/ticket or $20/5 tickets.  Slight change in plan was adding a 2nd Quilt with the ability to bid on either one or both of the Quilts.  Drawings will be afternoon of the 17th. Proceeds will…

Lutheran World Relief Quilt Ministry

Welcome to a new year of Quilt-making for Lutheran World Relief!  The first Quilting work sessions of the New Year will be on Saturday, January 12 (9am-noon) and Tuesday, January 15 (12:30-3pm).  As always, please extend an open invitation welcoming others to be a part of our Ministry. On Saturday, January 12, before we begin assembling new Quilts, we’ll gather together @ 9:00am for a light breakfast (fruit and muffins, coffee/tea/juice) and a brief orientation/planning session. Please RSVP to  phyllis.herrington@gmail.com  or  amutterer@gmail.com.…

Quilting Ministry Gears up for 2019

Our 2018 Fabric Donations Exceeded All Expectations! Steadily throughout the year we have received exceptional quantities (boxes and boxes and bags and bags full…) of quality fabric donations from members of our Ministry, the Congregation and the Community. It’s exciting to know we are well positioned for 2019 and beyond!! Let us give thanks for the blessing of fabric and the generous providers!   Getting Ready for 2019… We will continue to meet on the 2nd Saturday (9am-noon) and following…
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