Adult Bible Study with Pastor Michael
A Sneak Peek at the Weekly Readings! Each week, we read a series of lessons together in worship, and hear a sermon that touches on at least one of them. But wouldn’t it be great if we knew which lessons we would hear in advance, so that we could understand them more deeply? If only there were some way to get a sneak peek. Good news: there is! Each Thursday, Pastor Michael will introduce us to the lectionary for the…
30 Fast Hours March 2025
Teenagers are hungry, all the time! Everyone knows this! So why in the world would they decide to fast for 30 hours straight? See the video posted below for an answer to that question from one of our youth. Games, friendship, feast, learning, worship, making a difference, telling the story! 30 Fast Hours is one of the highlights of the church year at Our Saviour! This year, 30 Fast Hours will be held on the weekend of March 7th. Our…
Adult Sunday School Class — Making Sense of Martin Luther
Making Sense of Martin Luther Making Sense of Martin Luther, written by David Lose, uses a conversational format to explore how Luther’s dynamic understanding of God’s life-changing gospel informs day-to-day faith and life in the world today. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 872 1231 5368 If you prefer to join by phone, call (301) 715-8592 and enter the Meeting ID when prompted. We look forward to having you…
Twelve Days Later-A One Act Play
Join us for a delightful one-act play! This is a fun and modern take on the Epiphany story, complete with the Maji following the star to the home of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Performance Dates: Friday, February 7, 2025 7:00 pm …
Mental Health First Aid Training at OSLC
Our Saviour is hosting Youth Mental Health First Aid training on February 1, 2025. We would love to have you join us. Bring a friend, too! We are living through a time of high stress, confusion, and social media influence unlike any before. This is especially difficult for our pre-teens, teens, and young adults. Be ready to be present and prepared when someone needs you. Fauquier Mental Health is providing instructors on a Saturday, and right here at OSLC in…
Adult Sunday School Class —
Adult Sunday School This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 872 1231 5368 If you prefer to join by phone, call (301) 715-8592 and enter the Meeting ID when prompted. We look forward to having you join us! If you have any questions, contact Tom Bartkiewicz using your church directory or reach out to the church office for his contact information.
Worship Services, Christmas 2024
Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Service with Voices of Praise 7:00pm Christmas Eve Service with organ, choir, and handbells 11:00pm Christmas Eve Service with organ Christmas Day – December 25 No service will be held. Please join us, remember that there is a place for everyone here!
Adult Sunday School Class — Gospel of John
The Gospel of John A Beginner’s Guide to the Way, the Truth, and the Light John’s Gospel offers readers a new language—of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit, of the “I am”—that enhances how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 872 1231 5368 If you prefer to…
Celebrate Christmas with us at OSLC!
It’s almost here! Link to Schedule of Christmas Worship Services Santa Claus is Coming to Church! On December 15 at 9:30am, during the Sunday School hour, Santa will visit with the children in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your children and join in the fun! And Then… Our Sunday School children’s choir will enrich our worship with singing! Sunday, December 15 10:30 am We invite you to enjoy their music under the guidance of…
Narcan Training at OSLC
For Youth and Adults! You could save a life! Join us here at Our Saviour on November 7, at 6:15pm in the fellowship hall for Narcan training by experts from the health department. You will learn how to recognize an opioid overdose and administer a life saving dose of Naloxone, often known as Narcan. After training, you will receive a dose that you can carry with you in case of an emergency. Please let us know that you are coming…
Join us! Sunday School Halloween Party!
Sunday School Halloween Party! Sunday, October 27, 9:00-10:15 Join us for some shenanigans and sweet treats! The party will take place during the Sunday School hour, and will be led by our youth and their teachers, Kim and Jesse Keatts. Wear your costume if you like!
Adult Sunday School Class — Living Into the Kingdom
Living Into the Kingdom Putting Study into Practice This summer we studied the Sermon on the Mount. Now, let’s put what we’ve learned into practice as we look to focus our love and talents on self and community. We’ll do Bible reading and discernment. We’ll look at our values to help us understand who we are. We’ll examine what we’re being called to do in our lives. We’ll see how we can live into the kingdom to experience the kingdom…
Blessing of the Quilts 2024
We’ve done it again! September marks the conclusion of another AMAZING year of quilt-making at OSLC for Lutheran World Relief!
All Youth Bowling!
All youth, grades 6-young adults, are invited to join us for an afternoon of bowling! Sunday, September 22, 3:15-5:45 pm. The cost, including shoes and snacks, will be $20 each. RSVP here by September 15.
2024 Homecoming Picnic and Confirmation Celebration
You’re invited to the OSLC Homecoming Picnic and Confirmation Celebration on September 8, which will begin at 11:30 am. This is an event to bring the whole church together to celebrate our new confirmands, catch up with old friends, meet new members, enjoy some great food, and play a few games (or have fun watching others play). Feel free to invite friends and family. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs. Food We’ll be serving up fried chicken, bread and…
Sunday School Rally Day for the 2024-2025 School Year
Join us for Sunday School Rally Day, as we begin a new year of fun & learning! We can’t wait to see you here! Be sure to stay for the Church Homecoming Picnic and Confirmation Celebration. Information is here! Join us as we begin a new year of fun and learning! There are two classes this fall: Pre-K through 5th Grade, led by Carole Zeiher; and 6th grade through High School, led by Kim and Jesse Keats. Our opening will…
Adult Sunday School Class — Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, contains some of Jesus most profound and most memorable teachings. What might these teachings have mean to his disciples, and to the others who first heard them? How do they enhance our reading of the rest of the Gospel of Matthew, and how do they speak across the centuries to listeners today? How, if we pay careful attention to his…
Jun 24 – 28, 2024
Vacation Bible School 2024
Vacation Bible School at OSLC June 24-28 – 9:00 am-12:00 pm Our VBS theme this year is God’s Wonders! Come and share in the wonder and joy of God’s Gift of Creation! All children who will be in kindergarten through fifth grade this fall are invited to join us on a journey through creation to learn about God’s love for us and how we can share it with others! Click here for Registration! To register online, click the link…
Adult Sunday School Class — The Story of Scripture
The Story of Scripture The Unfolding Drama of the Bible When it comes to knowledge of the Bible, many people know bits and pieces, favorite stories and characters, but they don’t know the story that is really one story in Scripture. This class will help you put the story of God and His people together so that you’ll know how all the parts and people fit, and the stories within the story will make more sense. Join us Sunday mornings…
The Nazarene
Come see The Nazarene! You will love this brand new two-act play about the earthly ministry of Jesus! It features many of the gospel events, beginning with the miracle at the wedding at Cana through the resurrection. You’ll enjoy the delightful characters and the lighthearted story telling, even while watching the story of grace unfold. Performances: Friday, May 31 at 8:00pm Saturday, June 1 at 7:00pm Sunday, June 2 at 4:00 Order tickets here!
30 Fast Hours!
Our youth are going on a hunger strike! (OK, not quite! But did that grab your attention?) From Friday, May 10 at 12:00pm until Saturday, May 11 during the 5:30 service, youth and adult leaders will go hungry to raise funds for ELCA World Hunger. They will spend their time learning about the many issues of hunger throughout the world, especially as it relates to children. There will be fun, devotionals, and small group learning throughout the experience, as…
Holy Communion Classes 2024
“Do This in Remembrance of Me” Dear Parents and Guardians, At the table of our Lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the gospel. OSLC offers instruction for Holy Communion classes each year. We use age specific materials from the Augsburg Fortress “Fed and Forgiven” series. We hope this will help deepen our understanding of and love for the gift of holy communion. Typically this class is…
Adult Sunday School Class — Difficult Words of Jesus
The Difficult Words of Jesus A Beginner’s Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings Jesus provided his disciples teachings for how to follow Torah, God’s word; he told them parables to help them discern questions of ethics and of human nature; he offered them beatitudes for comfort and encouragement. But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers then and now have found difficult. He instructs disciples to hate members of their own families (Luke 14:26), to act as if they were slaves…
Winter Celebration! 2024
To all youth in 9th-12 grades – Please see below invitation from Pastor Dave Delaney from the Virginia Synod. More information including registration link HERE!! Don’t let money be a reason not to attend; let Pastor Terri know if you need a scholarship. Calling all VA Synod high schoolers! Winter Celebration will take place Friday, February 2, 27th through Sunday, February 4th. Winter Celebration is the Virginia Synod’s annual weekend retreat for youth in 9th through 12th grade, as well…
Adult Sunday School Class — Experiencing Christmas
Discover how everything changed when God was born. Christmas is when God surrounded the divine with senses of his own. That first noel was when God had eyes to see suffering, ears to hear our cries, and hands to hold those in need, and all of these senses were bundled in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. “This will be a sign to you,” the angel told the shepherds, and they traveled to Bethlehem and found a child. What signs…
Senior High Overnight Retreat December 8!
We are meeting on Friday, December from 8pm to 9:30am. Please let us know your plans by completing this brief form! Link Permission Forms Here There are lots of things planned: We will pack personal care kits, devotional times. play “dark games,” silly games, competitive games, solve a mystery, enjoy a campfire with treats weather permitting. Bring: a snack to share with the group, readiness to join in the hilarity and the more serious discussions, an open heart, something…
Nov 22, 2023
Praise & Pie
Join Us For Some Praise and Pies! Thanksgiving Worship and Pie Reception on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at 7:00 pm Note: Praise and Pie is Wednesday instead of Tuesday this year. The Praise: Let’s gather together to give thanks for all God has given us in a brief Thanksgiving Worship Service on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at 7 pm. (Note the day change.) This year’s music will be led by the Sunday Adult Choir. Offerings from the service will go…
Nov 5, 2023
November 2023 Congregational Meeting
Mark your calendars for the annual November Congregational Meeting
Adult Sunday School Class — Animate: Practices
Once again we delve into the Animate series of studies in our Adult Sunday School class. This time we’ll focus on Practices, An introduction to the central practices of the Christian faith . Materials will be emailed each week or can be picked up the week before or the day of the class. Like many of our recent classes, there is a video component to each session. Sessions we’ll be discussing include: Prayer: Oriented toward God (Sep. 10) Food: Eating,…
Animal Blessing in Honor of St. Francis
Animal Blessing in honor of St. Francis—new date and time Sunday, October 1, 2023, at 5:00pm, at our outdoor altar Bring your furry, feathered, or finny friends. . . or photographs of them – to this brief worship service to thank God for them and ask God to bless them. Recognizing the service some canines provide in police work, all freewill offerings will be donated to the Fauquier Canine and Community Organization to support the work of the Fauquier County…
Quilt Ministry
(Tuesday work sessions-2023)
God’s Work. Our Hands. OSLC Quilt Ministry began in 2007. Since that time our Ministry has completed over twenty-five hundred (2500) Quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief to people in need around the world. Each Quilt is one of a kind, with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of love by caring people. Our workshops are held January through September on the 2nd Saturday and the following Tuesday of each month concluding with a Blessing of…
Quilt Ministry
(Saturday work sessions-2023)
God’s Work. Our Hands. OSLC Quilt Ministry began in 2007. Since that time our Ministry has completed over twenty-five hundred (2500) Quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief to people in need around the world. Each Quilt is one of a kind, with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of love by caring people. Our workshops are held January through September on the 2nd Saturday and the following Tuesday of each month concluding with a Blessing of…
Special All Youth Wednesdays in September!
Special All-Youth Wednesdays in September! All youth in grades 6-12 are welcome! September 6 and 27, 6:00-7:30pm. On September 6, pizza will be served. Play silly games, win silly prizes! Ok, maybe that isn’t exactly how the saying goes. But please come have fun with us! There will be a variety of games and activities for all.
Adult Sunday School Class — The Apostle’s Creed
Join us Sunday mornings through the summer at 9am as we study the Apostle’s Creed. NOTE: We will not meet on August 6th. Our last class will instead be on August 13th. We will be using the book, Creed, by Adam Hamilton as our text. A Kindle version is available from Amazon. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 830 5560 5846 If you prefer to join by phone,…
Hurley Mission Trip
Youth and adults interested in the Hurley trip are invited to join us for a short meeting in the fellowship hall on Sunday, February 12 following the 10:30 am service.
Ladies’ Bible Study:
One Thousand Gifts
Please join Barbara Brown and other ladies of the church on Tuesday mornings at 10am in the church’s Library to study, pray and grow in faith together. The group will be reading and discussing One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp once the group resumes meeting on January 17, 2023, after a short holiday break. Books are free and available for pick-up from the church office. You may also purchase your own…
Adult Sunday School Class — The Gospel of Mark
Join us Sunday mornings in Lent as we read and study the Gospel of Mark. Mark is thought to be the first Gospel written. It is the shortest Gospel. In Mark, we see the most human side of Jesus. Reading scripture can be fun and exciting as we explore it! Please bring your favorite Bible to class. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 837 8450 0891 Passcode: 285077 If…
Men’s Breakfast–August 19, 8:30am
Men! You are invited to join us on June 3, at 8:00am in the fellowship hall. We will enjoy delicious food and good fellowship. Please let Dave Raecke or the church office know if you plan to attend. This will help us know how much food to prepare. We’re looking forward to seeing you there! …
May 18, 2023
ECHO Trip to Historic Fredericksburg
Take a Trolley Tour with ECHO! ECHO (Experienced Christians Helping Others/Ourselves) is planning a trip to Fredericksburg for a trolley tour and lunch on Thursday, May 18. We would love to have other OSLC friends join us! We will leave the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and carpool to Fredericksburg for the 11 a.m. trolley ride, which lasts about 75 minutes. Our discounted price for the ride is $20 per person. The trolley is equipped with a lift for…
May 13, 2023
Spring Youth Retreat–A Day at the Park!
Calling all current 8th-12th graders! Spring Senior High Youth Retreat–A Day at the Park! We will meet at OSLC at 11:30am and return to the church at 6:30 pm. Expect to have fun, appreciate God’s love, and build or deepen friendships. This will be our opportunity to welcome our new, rising freshmen into the high school group. Woohoo! We will also hold a farewell honoring our graduating seniors, whom we love…
OSLC Ministry Faire
Join us for the OSLC Ministry Faire! Friday, May 5, 5:00pm-8:30pm Don’t miss out on the fun! Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with your OSLC friends: the meal is being catered by El Agave. This is a “come and go” event: come when you are ready, leave when you wish. There will be Prizes! Pinatas! And Music! Learn about ALL the ministries of OSLC. You may be surprised at all of the…
Mar 17 – Apr 30, 2023
Drive for Food Pantry Items This Month!
Food Pantry Collection During March and April This month many government benefits including food stamps were reduced significantly. There has never been a greater need for food for those that need it. During March and April we are collecting foods for our pantry. …
Apr 21 – 29, 2023
Bluegrass and Bikes!
Join us! March 19, 2:00pm Direct Donation to the USA Quad Bike Team Link Here We are proud of and excited for the whole team, especially our own Colin!
7th Day!
Calling all fifth and sixth graders! This is just for you! Our Saviour invites families with youth (and their friends) in 5th and 6th grades to register for the upcoming retreat with Lutherans from across Virginia. The retreat will be held near…
Men’s Breakfast
All men — the young and the more seasoned (wink-wink) — of Our Saviour Lutheran Church are invited to come together for a morning meal on the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the church’s Fellowship Hall. We will share faith and fellowship and talk about ways to be of service to our church and our community. Please join us! To find out more information, please email the church office at
Dave’s Class —
Making Sense of Martin Luther
Dave’s Thursday Morning Class Join Dave Raecke and others in person in Room # 6 off of the Fellowship Hallow (or via Zoom – see link & meeting info below) on Thursday mornings at 10:00 starting January 5, 2023, for an 8-session study of Making Sense of Martin Luther. This book, written by David J. Lose, uses a conversational format to explore how Luther’s dynamic understanding of God’s life-changing gospel informs day-to-day faith and life in the world today. Zoom…
Feb 20, 2023
Senior High Adventure: Learn to Fence!
Sr High Youth outing to fencing academy.
Jan 21, 2023
“Breakfast for Dinner” Potluck
The Potluck — Bringing back this Lutheran tradition! We’re bringing back our all-time favorite Saturday night potlucks. After service on Saturday, January 21, we’ll have a Breakfast for Dinner potluck. Come join us and bring your favorite casserole, pastry, fruit salad, breakfast pizza, or whatever you want to share. Or just come and enjoy the company of others as there will be plenty to eat for all. Pajamas not required. 😉 If you can lend a hand with setup or cleanup,…
Dec 31, 2022
New Year’s Party for OSLC & Community Youth
All Youth Are Welcome! Join us from 6:30 pm until 10:30 pm on Saturday, December 31 at Our Saviour Lutheran Church for an evening of celebrating new beginnings. We will be playing games, creating vision boards and coming together for a youth “Circle of Hope”. The evening will be inclusive, open and full of all around enthusiasm and fun! Please RSVP by December 28 to Shannon Scott by getting her contact information through the church office at (540) 347-3224 or…
Dec 21, 2022
Blue Christmas Service
BLUE CHRISTMAS On this longest night of the year, churches all over Warrenton will share in a Blue Christmas service that acknowledges the sadness many people feel in the midst of the world’s celebration. Even those who sparkle with joy might need a break from the enthusiasm for some quiet prayer and reflection. In addition, for some people it is the first year they’ll be going through the holidays without a certain loved one. Loneliness, grief and pain are part…
2022 Staff Christmas Gifts
In the spirit of the season … if you would like to offer our staff (Pastors, Administrative Assistant, and 4 Musicians) a token of appreciation for all their dedicated work during yet another trying year, we are collecting for a monetary gift for each of them. Please make your donation by Tuesday, December 20 so they can be presented with their gifts on Thursday, December 22. For in-person giving, please mark your donation as Staff Christmas Gift. For online giving,…
Dec 18, 2022
A Service of Lessons and Carols
Invite your friends & family to join us . . . for a special Christmas event on Sunday, Dec. 18. There will be a service of Lessons and Carols at 10:30am, which features the reading of the nativity story and the singing of favorite carols. Then, after service, the one and only Santa Claus will visit with children in the fellowship hall. All are welcome!
Adult Sunday School —
The Journey
The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem The Journey. It’s a story that you know by heart, but “The Journey” combines historical information and archaeology with Adam Hamilton’s (author of the Lord’s Prayer study we did over the summer) insights to give a new perspective on the story of Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Join us at 9:00am on Sundays from November 27 through December 18 as Tom Bartkiewicz leads the Adult Sunday School class on this…
Dec 17, 2022
ECHO Christmas Sing-Along
Sing in the Season with ECHO ECHO (Experienced Christians Helping Ourselves and Others) senior group will meet on Saturday, December 17 at 10:00 a.m. to have some holiday fun. We will sing Christmas Carols under the direction of Dean Kolb and the piano playing of Bettie Shiflett. We will sing in the fellowship hall and enjoy refreshments – including cookies and cocoa – afterwards. Contact Marian Rognlien through the church directory or by getting her info from the church office.…
Dec 15, 2022
Morning Meditation — Fall 2022
What and When? Holistic Mentor Shannon Scott with the help of Beverly Gonzales will lead a brief time in prayer, guided visualizations, and silent journal reflection to start the day and get you through the rest of the week on Thursday mornings, from 8:30 – 9:00 am. Why? Research shows that loving-kindness meditation is “dose-dependent”—the more you do, the more powerful the effects. One of the key benefits of loving-kindness meditation is reduced negative emotions like anxiety and depression and…
Sunday School Children’s Christmas Party
At Sunday School on December 11, our elementary school aged children will enjoy seasonal songs, crafts, snacks, fun, and the Christmas story of the Christ Child! After the festivities, the children will sing at the 10:30 am worship service. Be sure to stick around and enjoy this spectacular sight and sounds!
Nov 22 – 23, 2022
Fall Overnight Retreat for Senior High Youth
Lots of fun and interesting activities are being planned for the Fall Senior High Youth Overnight Retreat on Tuesday evening, November 22, after the pie portion of Praise & Pie (so, 8-ish) until 9:30 am pickup time the following morning. Join us for hilarity, service to others, friendship, and (not that much) sleep! RSVP by November 19 using the green “Register” button at the top of this post or the following link: November 22 Sr Youth Overnight Retreat RSVP
VA Synod’s “Lost and Found” for 7th & 8th graders
Lost and Found is a gathering of several hundred 7th and 8th grade youth and their adult advisors for Large Group experiences with lots of singing and fun and Small Group experiences with lots of new friends, games, conversation, and faith sharing. There is also a big chunk of free time on Saturday when we have our “Open Mic / Talent Show” and time late in the evening to relax and talk with the other youth and adults from your…
November 2022 Congregation Meeting
Mark your calendars for the annual November Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 6, from 11:30 am—1:30 pm. (Note at it is the Sunday of the Fall Back time change.) This is an important milestone in the church year in which we set the future direction of Our Saviour Lutheran Church. We are meeting in person but for those who are unable to attend in person, you have the option to participate virtually through Zoom. Please see below for Zoom meeting…
Senior High Youth Outdoor Adventure: Verdun Adventure Bound
We will meet at the church at 8:45 am on Saturday, October 29 and carpool to Rixeyville, VA, returning to the church at 4:15 pm. Bring a bag lunch (your own water bottle is always a good idea, too) and be ready for some fun and challenging activities, including ropes courses. Invite a friend! The cost per participant is $40. RSVP by October 12 to be part of this event: Hope you can make it!
Oct 28, 2022
Celebrating Our Pastors’ 25th Ordination Anniversary
We will be celebrating the anniversary of the ordination of Pastor Michael and Pastor Terri. They have both been serving Christ for over 25 years. We’ll have some great food and a lot of fun. If you are interested in helping with the event, contact Tamar Yager through your church directory or by getting her information from the church office. Be sure to keep an eye out for an email invitation. Please RSVP through the email invitation or by contacting…
Adult Sunday School Class — Animate
The Adult Sunday School class began a new program from ELCA’s Sparkhouse publishing house this September (2022). The program is called Animate. Materials will be emailed each week or can be picked up the week before or the day of the class. Like many of our recent classes, there is a video component to each session. Sessions we’ll be discussing include: God – Faith is a Quest (Sept. 11) Religion – Spirituality is not enough (Sept. 18) Jesus – The…
Oct 22, 2022
Halloween Party for Middle & High School Youth
Calling All Youth (grades 6-12), Ghouls and Goblins – It’s time to get your spooky on for the OSLC Halloween Bash! Join us in costume at the church on Saturday, October 22 from 6:30-8:30 pm for spooky treats, eerie games, and frighteningly fun time! Everyone is welcome to bring a friend or two for this thrilling and chilling event. For more info and/or to RSVP, contact Kristen Maynard through your church directory or by reaching out to the church office,…
Oct 13, 2022
Dave’s Class —
Enter the Bible: Revelation
Dave’s Thursday Morning Class Join Dave Raecke and others in person in Room # 6 off of the Fellowship Hallow (or via Zoom – see link & meeting info below) on Thursday mornings at 10:00 starting September 8, 2022, for a 6-session study on Revelation. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: ID: 324 473 7047Passcode: not required; you will enter a “Waiting Room” when trying to join the meeting and will…
Dave’s Class —
I AM: Seven Powerful Claims of Christ
Dave’s Thursday Morning Class Join Dave Raecke and others in person in Room # 6 off of the Fellowship Hallow (or via Zoom – see link & meeting info below) on Thursday mornings at 10:00 starting October 13, 2022, for a 6-session study of I AM: Seven Powerful Claims of Christ. This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: ID: 324 473 7047Passcode: not required; you will enter a “Waiting Room” when trying…
Ride Share Ministry Presentation
If you are interested in finding out more about the Ride Share ministry at OSLC or VolTran, Ms. Linda Stouffer, VolTran Board President, will be joining us for our social hour time between services, as well as attending the 10:30 am worship service on Sunday, September 25. Linda has served as the Board President since 2019 and has been involved with the program since its inception in 2007.
2022 Confirmation – Affirmation of Faith
The affirmation of faith, called Confirmation, is an important moment in the life of a young Christian. It is the ceremony by which they publicly embrace the faith that has been handed on to them, and take their place as adult members of the congregation. In Lutheran churches, young people are prepared for Confirmation by years-long instruction in both the Bible and the church’s historic teachings, called the Catechism. On Sunday, September 18, during the 10:30 am worship service, we at…
Sep 14, 2022
Confirmation Classes at OSLC
Confirmation Education at OSLC is a two-year course, centered on study of the Bible and the Catechism. Its purpose is to prepare young people for full adult participation in the life of the church. This year’s Confirmation Class meets on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30pm in room 12. Classes will meet most Wednesdays at this time during the school year. This year, classes are being taught by Pastor Michael. Other activities may be included throughout the year, such as service…
Quilt Ministry
(Tuesday work sessions-2022)
God’s Work. Our Hands. OSLC Quilt Ministry began in 2007. Since that time our Ministry has completed almost twenty-five hundred (2500) Quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief to people in need around the world. Each Quilt is one of a kind, with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of love by caring people. Our workshops are held January through September on the 2nd Saturday and the following Tuesday of each month concluding with a Blessing of…
Adult Sunday School Class — Animate: Faith
Starting Sunday, September 11, 2022, the Adult Sunday School class will begin a program from ELCA’s Sparkhouse publishing house. The program is called Animate: Faith. Materials will be emailed each week or can be picked up the week before or the day of the class. Like many of our recent classes, there is a video component each session. Sessions we’ll be discussing include: God – Faith is a Quest Religion – Spirituality is not enough Jesus – The revolution of…
Quilt Ministry
(Saturday work sessions-2022)
God’s Work. Our Hands. OSLC Quilt Ministry began in 2007. Since that time our Ministry has completed almost twenty-five hundred (2500) Quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief to people in need around the world. Each Quilt is one of a kind, with a beauty all its own, made as a gift of love by caring people. Our workshops are held January through September on the 2nd Saturday and the following Tuesday of each month concluding with a Blessing of…
Aug 31, 2022
Senior Social Hour with Ice Cream & Coffee
ECHO (Experienced Christians Helping Ourselves and Others) is hosting a Senior Social Hour with ice cream, coffee and snacks on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 10:00 am in the church’s Fellowship Hall. This is just a fun get-together to talk, eat ice cream and / or sip coffee. We can be outside if weather permits, but if it doesn’t, we’ll be inside – cool and dry. The ice cream will be individual servings to meet current safety guidelines. Please direct…
Aug 28, 2022
Adult Sunday School Class: Overview on Deitrich Bonhoeffer
This Sunday, August 28 at 9 am, we will begin the new school year with a one session overview on Deitrich Bonhoeffer. Who was he? Why is he important? Join us in room 6 or via zoom. To wet your whistle, see Troy’s article in this month’s Messenger! This class is offered in-person in room #6 and on-line via zoom. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 837 8450 0891 Passcode: 285077 If you prefer to join by phone, call (301) 715-8592…
Saying Goodbye to the Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition
Many in our community have helped feed our hungry neighbors through the Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition, but now it is time to say goodbye. This vital ministry, a partnership of many area churches (including ours) and community agencies, has given out boxes of food — both shelf-stable and fresh — from the back door of Warrenton United Methodist Church, on the third Saturday of every month for 19 years. After many long hours of deliberation, they have decided God is…
Aug 13, 2022
Bill Werre Visitation and Funeral
Visitation and Ice Cream Social Friday Evening
Adult Sunday School Class: The Lord’s Prayer
Starting Sunday, June 26, 2022, and continuing for six weeks, the Adult Sunday School class will be gathering to study the Lord’s Prayer. When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus gave them this prayer. He likely taught it to his followers often, not just one time. He never intended the Lord’s Prayer to be a museum piece, framed and placed on a mantel or in a display case. It was Jesus teaching God’s people, through his disciples, how…
Quilt Ministry – “Counting 48”
“Counting 48”: Saturday July 30th – Helping Hands Needed!! Come anytime! 9am-10am Setting up tables and unpacking the boxes of fabric 10am-1:00pm “Counting 48” (selecting fabric squares) 1pm-1:30pm – cleanup Yes, it’s time to assemble new Quilt Packets. Thanks to Paula, Tom, Andrea and an unknown angel or two, we have nearly 30 boxes of pre-cut fabric squares ready for the counting! As most know, the task at hand is to select 48 squares with coordinating colors and/or patterns and…
Hurley Mission Trip
for Youth who have completed grates 8 through 12 and adults.
Jun 29, 2022
Morning Meditation for the month of June (2022)
What and When? Holistic Mentor Shannon Scott and Pastor Terri Church will lead a brief time in prayer, guided visualizations, and silent journal reflection to start the day and get you through the rest of the week on Wednesday mornings, from 9:30 – 10:00 am (for the month of June; start time will revert back to 8:30 am in July) . Why? Even before the global pandemic, mental health ranked at the top of ongoing needs for most of us.…
Youth Mission “Trip” 2022 – Serve Fauquier
SERVE FAUQUIER Local churches doing local mission together Our Saviour is excited to join with Warrenton United Methodist Church and several other local congregations for a local youth mission “trip” this summer! On June 20th-24th, middle and high school youth will help local agencies such as Community Touch and the Fauquier Community Coalition to serve our neighbors in need—and grow closer to each and God as they do so. Skilled, unskilled — even no skilled — labor, are appreciated, along…
Jun 13, 2022
2nd Q&A Session for Hurley Virginia Mission Trip
If You Missed the Meeting: Using access passcode x!w@mLK8, you can watch/listen to the informational meeting that took place last here: Questions? Contact Betsy Wilco. If you haven’t quite decided to participate — or even if you have — you’re encouraged to attend an online question & answer session on the upcoming mission trip to Hurley, Virginia! What you learn during this information session may make all the difference in deciding to truly live what we often say around…
Jun 12, 2022
Celebrating Our Graduates
Help us celebrate our graduates at all weekend services on June 11th & 12th, and at the Sunday Social Hour! All 2022 graduates are invited to a special Sunday Social Hour from 9am-10am on Sunday, June 12th. Wear your cap and gown, pose for photos together, and let us shower you with praise. Also, we will recognize and pray for graduates at all weekend services. If you would like to help lead at any of the services, let Pastor Terri…
Adult Sunday School Class: Ever Ancient, Ever New
Starting Sunday, April 24, 2022, and continuing for six weeks, the Adult Sunday School class will begin a study led by Pastor Micheal based on the book by Winfield Bevins titled Ever Ancient, Ever New. Young Evangelicals are seeking Christian traditions rooted in the historic faith – the liturgy, the creeds, the patterns of the Christian year. Can the Lutheran Church offer what this generation of seekers is looking for, or have we ourselves lost sight of why tradition matters?…
Memorial Service for Michael Mishkin, Father of Susan Kiser
Service to be held at 11:00 am followed by a luncheon in the fellowship hall
Ladies’ Bible Study:
The Sacrament of Happy
Please join Barbara Brown and other ladies of the church on Tuesday mornings at 10am in the church’s Library to study, pray and grow in faith together. Currently, the group is reading and discussing The Sacrament of Happy: What a Smiling God Brings to a Wounded Word by Lis Harper. Books are free and available for pick-up in the church office! (click on the above image to be taken to a synopsis of this book) If you have questions, please…
Jun 5, 2022
Q&A Session for Hurley Virginia Mission Trip
If you haven’t quite decided to participate — or even if you have — you’re encouraged to attend a question & answer session on the upcoming mission trip to Hurley, Virginia! What you learn during this information session may make all the difference in deciding to truly live what we often say around here: “God’s Work. Our Hands.” You know the basics: trip dates are July 17-23, cost is $310 per person for the week, and anyone who has finished…
Special Adult Sunday School Class: About the Virginia Synod
Pastor Michael is still not well enough to teach Adult Sunday School class this weekend, but we are in luck! We had already asked Pastor John Wertz from the Virginia Synod and the ELCA to come preach, and he is happy to lead a class about the Synod. We’re also fortunate to have a member of the Synod Council in our church, Dave Raecke. Together, they will fill us in on what’s happening at the state level, but also answer…
May 25, 2022
Senior Social Hour
hosted by ECHO
Reconnect with Long-time Church Friends and Make Some New Ones! Our first one was a big success and such fun so we’re doing it again! Please join us for a coffee (or other beverage) and snacks over which to share stories and catch up with one another. Our Saviour’s ECHO Ministry is hosting another Senior Social Hour at the church on Wednesday, May 25 at 10:00 am in our fellowship hall. Let us know if you’ll come: (If you…
Dave’s Class:
Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith
Dave’s Thursday Morning Class Join Dave Raecke and others via Zoom on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am starting January 13, 2022, for a study on “Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith: A Lutheran Perspective on Faith Traditions in America”. Read a summary of this publication on the Augsburg Fortress website: For the first several weeks, the class will meet virtually via Zoom. Click the following Zoom link to join the class from your computer or smart device: If you can’t connect…
Give Local Piedmont 2022 —
Tuesday, May 3
Give Local Piedmont 2022 – Tuesday, May 3, 2022 (All Day, Online) Members of Our Saviour support many local groups and nonprofit organizations with their time, talents, and treasure. We serve as board members, volunteers, and clients. We freely give of our financial resources and we often directly see the results of this support. The annual Give Local Piedmont appeal is an easy way to help our community through our local nonprofit organizations such as People Helping People, Fauquier Habitat for Humanity, and others which OSLC…
Help the Christians of Bethlehem:
Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative
Coming Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, the Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative will be with us. They will share their story and have their handcrafted olive wood carvings, made by our brother and sister Christians in Bethlehem, for purchase. For centuries, Bethlehem Christians have been using the olivewood to make religious crafts. They rely on selling them to Christian pilgrims for their livelihood. Due to persecution, conflict, and COVID-19, tourism has plummeted. Unemployment has reached its highest, and…
Saturday Evening Potluck
Join Us For a Traditional Lutheran Potluck! It has been far too long since we have gathered as a church family to break bread together. Let’s have a huge crowd for our 1st traditional potluck of the year after the 5:30 service Saturday, April 30. Bring your favorite comfort food. Think casseroles, jello salad, crockpot dishes, 7-layer salad and desserts. Any dishes to share are welcome. Please come even if you can’t bring a dish to share. If you can…
Help the Christians of Bethlehem:
Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative
Coming Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, the Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative will be with us. They will share their story and have their handcrafted olive wood carvings, made by our brother and sister Christians in Bethlehem, for purchase. For centuries, Bethlehem Christians have been using the olivewood to make religious crafts. They rely on selling them to Christian pilgrims for their livelihood. Due to persecution, conflict, and COVID-19, tourism has plummeted. Unemployment has reached its highest, and…
Quilt Ministry’s Spring 2022 Fundraiser
Get Your Tickets for this Amazing Fundraiser! To help offset rising costs of sheets, batting and supplies, plans are underway to sponsor a fundraiser drawing for two (2) of our beautiful Quilts in April. Tickets will be available at a table in the Narthex before and after services April 9 through April 30 and the drawing will be after Saturday service on April 30. Tickets will be $5/ticket or $20/5 tickets and participants can bid on either one or both…
Apr 24, 2022
YOUth Dramatic Presentation of the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord
The Sunday 10:30 am service with Youth Mystery Play: “The Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ” (A paraphrase of Luke 22-24) will will be online via Facebook Livestream! To enhance our worship as well as allow our youth to grow and shine, we are offering a new opportunity for youth to lead the church: a dramatic presentation of the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord on April 23-24. Our youth in 6th-12th grades are preparing a dramatic reading of…
Apr 23, 2022
YOUth Dramatic Presentation of the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord
The Saturday evening service with Youth Mystery Play: “The Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ” (A paraphrase of Luke 22-24) will will be online via Facebook Livestream! To enhance our worship as well as allow our youth to grow and shine, we are offering a new opportunity for youth to lead the church: a dramatic presentation of the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord on April 23-24. Our youth in 6th-12th grades are preparing a dramatic reading of the story…
Interment Ceremony for Ralph F. Agavino
Interment Ceremony for Ralph F. Agavino December 8, 1928 – September 5, 2020 Our beloved brother in Christ, Ralph Agavino, who entered the Church Triumphant in September 2020, will be laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. The congregation of Our Saviour Lutheran Church is invited to attend the grave-side interment ceremony on Thursday, April 14 at 3pm. Please be sure to arrive 30 minutes prior, and let Pastor Terri know if you are planning to attend. Need Directions? View Map
Adult Sunday School Class: Witness at the Cross
Starting Sunday, February 27, 2022, and continuing for seven weeks, the Adult Sunday School class will be gathering to begin a study called Witness at the Cross. Publisher’s Description Place yourself as a witness of the cross and determine what your own testimony will be! Experience Holy Friday from the perspective of those who watched Jesus die: Mary his mother; the Beloved Disciple from the Gospel of John; Mary Magdalene and the other women from Galilee; the two men, usually identified…
Apr 7, 2022
Funeral Service for Jeanne Lavonne Doenges
Jeanne Lavonne Doenges February 12, 1949 – April 2, 2022 Jeanne Lavonne Doenges, age 73, of Warrenton, Virginia passed away on Saturday, April 2, 2022. To read the full obituary, please click here. Funeral Service* Thursday, April 7 at 5:00 pm Our Saviour Lutheran Church 6194 Dumfries Road, Warrenton, VA 20187 Funeral Meal* Thursday, April 7 in the church Fellowship Hall following the service. * Request for Assistance with Service and Meal Members of Our Saviour who would like to volunteer…